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- From: Ofri Sadowsky <sadowsky.o.phd@gmail.com>
- To: iv3d-users@sci.utah.edu
- Subject: [IV3D-USERS] UVF incompatibility?
- Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2010 11:44:24 +0200
- Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=mime-version:date:message-id:subject:from:to:content-type; b=ebKRycvN4GcWx5n9iujAqfG9fi2rk5m+7tY/VAAW8py0+qhont7rR4Xc1P/r0jEIFm HA2A0F4cctQNGLSBT/Ptgi0P3OUUG5EU1EQVvAlFr7II7e7Q6A3oxp/E9YbM/Re0YzgO BHgUxck3gygOk1Vbya7XUsOQ3PCbI8iej/nzY=
I have two versions of iv3d on my system (Windows 7, x64): one downloaded and installed as a binary, and the other built from source. There seems to be an incompatiblity between the uvf files of the two versions. What I do is, I load data from a DICOM folder in either version, and save it into two UVF files: "installed" and "source". While the iv3d built from source successfully reads and displays the data from both files, the installed iv3d only displays the UVF file that it wrote. On the other file, exported from source build, it displays nothing, not even an error message.
Ofri Sadowsky, PhD
Scientific Consulting
0 Givat Brenner, Givat Brenner, Israel 60948
Tel: +972-8-9443944
Mob: +972-54-3113572
- [IV3D-USERS] UVF incompatibility?, Ofri Sadowsky, 11/23/2010
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