On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 12:46 AM, tom fogal<tfogal@sci.utah.edu> wrote:
Mathieu Malaterre<mathieu.malaterre@gmail.com> writes:
I have started packaging imagevis3d for debian, see
Maybe you'd like to take
ownership of the bug (or at least close it as a duplicate?)?
Sorry I did not realize that. debian bug tracker system did show me
this issue this morning. Both issue have been merged.
Also note there is a 'notdebian' directory in the root 'imagevis3d'
repository (the debian policy guides specifically discourage putting a
'debian' directory in the package's repository, but when the maintainer
== the developer that adds logistical pains for no gain... so I just
called it 'notdebian' ;).
I saw that, I remove this dir as well as the 3rdParty ones in the
get-orig-source script:
As a side note, I also thought at first this adds logistical pains.
Until I realize upstream source and debian package live at different
pace. The debian package lives as compiler, linker, and 3rd party libs
evolve. Therefore the debian team needs quick access to the debian/*
files to change them, and upload a new package. Some are really low
level and do not require upstream developer for doing this.
where can I find
the source stable release ?
Yes, sorry, we haven't been making these unfortunately. I can start
doing so with the next release, which will be 2.1.0.
that would be terrific
We do build nightly tarballs. I don't want the URI they are at to get
crawled/archived via the web, but I will happily point you or anyone
that asks at them via a private mail.
Hum...that defeat the part of the purpose of my question. Here is
typically the webpage I open every time I need to check the status of
my packages:
See the column on the far right, it indicates with a red color if a
package has had a new release from upstream. Anyway the debian/* file
are hosted on debian server so they might be 'crawled' via the web.
I'll probably want to steal your
versions of the debian files for notdebian/ at that point.
You are free to do that. However keep in mind debian package and
upstream source do not evolve at the same pace.
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