Hello, Sir,
I'm a paleochemist
working on some very exciting fossils. In my research, I need to make some QuickTime VR from several medical related scanning instruments, mainly µ-CT, sr-TXM (synchrotron radiation Transmission X-ray Microscopy), and MGHM (Multiple Generation Harmonic Microscopy). From the past till now, Image J and OsiriX (32 bit free version) are my main 3D rendering software. However, I find your software is a great complementary to the above mentioned applications. I'm very new to your
software, but very impressed by the fact that your software can read a series of huge number (usually more than 3,000) of captured images, such as 9µm µ-CT. The 32 bit version of OsiriX just can not handle that and have to purchase their 64 bit version.
Let me say this again: for my works, it is absolutely important to be able to generate QTVR 3D models for further studies. So, my first suggestion to you is to provide the capability of saving/exporting QTVR movies. Do you have plan to do that in the future version?
First, with my limited experience on your software, I like the clipping capability very much. Good job. The only suggestion is to have an easier and flexible way of setting the clipping plane.
Also, I found it is not that easy to adjust the brightness and contrast (WL/WW) as in ImageJ or OsiriX. This may be caused by my unfamiliar with your software.
I wonder is there any way to use CLUT (Color Look Up Table)? Or better yet to allow user to color a given component (such as a bone) in the image?
Is there a way to trim off the unwanted parts of the image or 3D model generated? or ROI (Region of Interest)?
Is there a way to UNDO 2D Transfer Function? In fact, I don't see any UNDO command at all. And there is no Edit menu next to the right of File menu. This is a bit unusual in the Mac world. So far, from my exploration with several other related medical image processing program, your software has the best Mac-like feels. Great job.
I would like to keep communicate with you so that even
better software can be available.
Smiles, Prof. Timothy Huang
(Somehow, Yahoo is still incapable to handle Chinese address line for this newer email version too.) 43, Lane 525, Sec. 3, AnKang Road, XinDian District, New Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC 23156
tel: +886-2-2214-0517 Portable: +886-926-684-464