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- From: Ilya Belevich <ilya.belevich@helsinki.fi>
- To: iv3d-users@sci.utah.edu
- Subject: [IV3D-USERS] Re: Re: Problems with export mesh
- Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 13:33:15 +0200
Hi Tom,
thanks for reply!
I've tested all possible mesh outputs, in all cases the problem is the
How do I export the debug log?
here is a video and the dataset
Best regards,
On 18-12-2013 12:19, tom fogal wrote:
Hi Ilya, thanks for the report.
Could you try exporting to and then exporting from OBJ? That would help
us narrow down where the issue is. A debug log might be enlightening, too.
On 12/18/2013 11:04 AM, Ilya Belevich wrote:
I have a problem to export generated mesh.
0. As an input, I have a 3D tif stack with a bitmap of the object
1. The rendering is fine and I can get an isosurface (snap1.jpg)
2. I export mesh as Mobile Geometry file with the highest resolution
3. Integrate it back as part of the project
4. The resulted surface is completely wrong (the gray surface in
What may be the reason?
I have ImageVis3d, Windows 64 bit
Thank you!
Best regards,
Ilya Belevich, PhD phone: +358-9-191-59497
Electron Microscopy Unit fax: +358-9-191-59498
Inst. of Biotechnology
PL56 (Viikinkaari 9) email: ilya.belevich(AT)helsinki.fi
University of Helsinki
00014 FINLAND web: www.biocenter.helsinki.fi/~ibelev
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