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[SCIRUN-USERS] SCIRun/BioPSE workshop in December

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Rob MacLeod <>
  • To:,,,,,,,
  • Cc: Rob MacLeod <>
  • Subject: [SCIRUN-USERS] SCIRun/BioPSE workshop in December
  • Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 14:47:46 -0600


Please distribute this widely and let us know as soon as possible of your interest. Spaces will fill up soon.

Our apologies for any multiple copies you receive.

Best regards,

Rob (for the SCIRun/BioPSE/map3d and NCRR teams)
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---

BioPSE/SCIRun/map3d Workshop

The NIH/NCRR Center for Bioelectric Field Modeling, Simulation, and
Visualization is pleased to offer a pair of workshops for users and
developers of our software.

    Users: December 14 and 15, 2003
    Developers: December 14-16, 2003

Intended audience:
    Users: All users and potential users of the NCRR software suite.  We
    assume at least a moderate level of familiarity with bioelectric
    field problems, a rudimentary knowledge of Unix/Linux, but no
    programming expertise.

    Developers: developers should be comfortable with C/C++ programming,
competent Unix/Linux users, and have a basic knowledge of bioelectric
    field problems.  Knowledge of Tcl/Tk, emacs, and XML are all useful
    but not required to benefit from the workshop.

Workshop outline:
The overall plan is to offer ongoing parallel lecture and lab sessions
   and allow participants to select what they need at any time.  We will
develop optional tracks that we will direct toward particular audiences
and stage a few sessions that we hope all will attend. We assume users
   will be present on days 1 and 2 and that developers will attend all
three days. Developers with substantial previous knowledge can either
   join on day 2 or use day 1 for one-on-one sessions with developers in
   the lab.

 Day 1: Users and Developers

Background to BioPSE/SCIRun and map3d concepts; examination of a sample
    problems; demos of nets; elements of BioPSE/SCIRun; hands-on playing
with existing nets and map3d scripts; using the new SCIRun Power Apps.

    Joint session #1: short presentation of research problems by all

 Day 2: Users and Developers

Advanced elements of BioPSE/SCIRun: module categories and organization,
    macromodules, network editing, fields, I/O mechanisms and file
conversion, debugging networks; map3d options and usage, scripting in

    Users' session: hands on design, implementation and debugging of
    user-defined networks and map3d scripts.

Developers' session: installation and configuration; GUI design options
and guidelines; source code organization; power applications based on
    SCIRun; threads; persistent I/O; namespace, on-the-fly-compile;
    contributing code to BioPSE/SCIRun project.

    Joint session #2: discussion of projects, SCIRun/BioPSE, and the

 Day 3: Developers

    Making a module: designing modules; programming conventions and
    standards; data structure details; module maker, etc.

We have a modest number of seats available for workshop participants to
    use during hands-on sessions.  We encourage participants to bring a
    laptop running either Linux or Mac OSX on which we will install
BioPSE/SCIRun for use during the workshop and afterwards. Please see the
    workshop website for details on minimal machine configurations.

    University of Utah Guest House: $69/night including breakfast.
    Reserve as part of the registration process.

Lunches, coffee breaks, and group dinner on Day #2 all provided as part
    of workshop.

Workshop tuition:
$175-$200 per person, depending on number of participants. Includes all
workshop materials, lunches and one group dinner, and Workshop T-shirt.

    We can only accept payment by cheque made out to the Scientific
Computing and Imaging Institute or purchase orders to the University of
    Utah.  Payment by credit card is unfortunately not possible.

Registration for workshop and hotel accommodations:
    Please download the registration form (PDF format) from
    and send by mail or fax to

       Allyne Betancourt
       Scientific Computer and Imaging Institute
       University of Utah
       50 S Central Campus Drive Room 3490
       Salt Lake
       City, UT 84112
       Fax: 801-585-6513

NOTE: Registration period closes on November 21. Please register now!

Course selection:
Please indicate whether you wish to participant in the user's session
    (days 1 and 2) or as a developer (days 1-3).

We will offer two travel scholarships of up to $1000 each to cover the
costs of students attending the workshop. To apply for a scholarship,
please send a brief description of yourself, your education, a letter
    of support from an academic advisor, and a description of how you
    intend to use BioPSE/SCIRun in your research.

Additional information/workshop website:
   or contact Allyne at

== The SCIRun Users mailing list: send email to   ==
== for more details.                                                     ==
== Please acknowledge use of SCIRun in your papers and reports:          ==
==   see         ==

  • [SCIRUN-USERS] SCIRun/BioPSE workshop in December, Rob MacLeod, 10/24/2003

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