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Re: [SCIRUN-USERS] SCIRun v1.24 CarbonSound.h compile error

Chronological Thread 
  • From: McKay Davis <>
  • To: Elisha Hughes <>
  • Cc:,
  • Subject: Re: [SCIRUN-USERS] SCIRun v1.24 CarbonSound.h compile error
  • Date: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 10:21:57 -0600


This is a known bug that was introduced by Apple with the OS X10.3.9 update. If you install the 'Quicktime 7.0 SDK' update, you should see this error go away.

Future SCIRun releases (v1.24.2 and beyond) have a workaround for this bug.
If you would like to fix your 1.24.1 tree without installing the Quicktime SDK, insert the following #define after the #elif at line 440 of Core/Volume/VideoCardInfo.c:

#elif __APPLE__
#define __CARBONSOUND__  // Inserting this line fixes OS X10.3.9 update
#include <AGL/agl.h>

-McKay Davis
SCIRun Developer

Elisha Hughes wrote:

I tried to enable a home made package, but I can't see why this error would 
come from there. Also, I have tried to rebuild SCIRun without the home made 
package, and I am getting the same error.
Thanks for your help,

David Groulx <> 06/13/05 8:51 AM >>>

Which package are you trying to use?


On Jun 13, 2005, at 8:17 AM, Elisha Hughes wrote:

Dear SCIRun,

I had SCIRun v1.24.1 up and running successfully, but then I tried to enable an additional package, and now I am getting the following error from make:

gnumake: *** No rule to make target `/System/Library/Frameworks/ Carbon.framework/Frameworks/CarbonSound.framework/Headers/ CarbonSound.h', needed by `Core/Volume/VideoCardInfo.o'. Stop.

Thanks for any advice you can offer,

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