Rob et al,
I have some papers from the Innsbruck group, which may have the best system I am aware of for doing this --- they are using, it turns out, some pretty up-to-date computer vision methods including one called Active Appearance Models. Did you (Rob) ever get anywhere with finding out if they are willing to make any of their code public?
Rob MacLeod wrote:
Dear Matthew,
There are a couple paper that describe this fairly superficially:
R.S.~MacLeod, C.R.~Johnson, and P.R.~Ershler. Construction of an
inhomogeneous model of the human torso for use in computational
electrocardiography. In {\em IEEE Engineering in Medicine and
Biology Society 13th Annual International Conference}, pages
688--689. IEEE Press, 1991.
C.R.~Johnson, R.S.~MacLeod, and P.R.~Ershler. A computer model for
the study of electrical current flow in the human thorax. {\em
Comp. in Bio. and Med.} 22:305--323, 1992.
But the most detailed description is a technical report we published here at the University of Utah:
You can find this in postscript format at
In a few minutes, you will also be able to get a pdf version of the same file at
This is probably more detail than you want, but that's the price you pay for asking (-:
On Oct 5, 2005, at 10:56 AM, Matthew Jolley wrote:
Could you describe the steps used to create the Utah torso dataset or point
me towards sombody who might be able to provide details. In a short review
of the literature it looks like many people have used CT/MRI data and imagej
(or its precursors) see . CUBIT and a few other
tools also look promising.
Any input would be appreciated.
Thank You,
Matthew Jolley
Pediatrics Resident
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