Dear Dav and Darby,
My name is Yury Petrov, I am a professor at Northeastern University interested in developing SCIRun modules for EEG source localization. SCIRun looks like an excellent tool, and previously I was able to compile v. 1.24 on Fedora core without a hitch. At the moment I am trying to use it on Mac and have problems with SCIRun 3.0.2 installation on OS X 1.4.2. It seems that the OS X installation problem is cmake related: after the successful third-party software compilation no SCIRun make files are produced, but for what reason - I am not sure. My guess based on the output is that it has something to do with itk, even when --with-itk was not used. I tried both --with-itk and --no-ctest options to no avail. I also tried adding $INSTAL_DIR/thirdparty.bin/3.0.2/Darwin-i386/gcc-4.0.1-32bit/lib/InsightToolkit to DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH as well as setting ITK_LIBRARY to the same path. output (reran after the third-party soft compilation) is attached. Any help with this issue will be much appreciated. ls there a SCIRun forum?
Parsing arguments...CMake args: Build Type: Release
Build SCIRun Dataflow: 1
SCIRun Packages: SCIRun,BioPSE,Teem,MatlabInterface
Build Insight ToolKit: 0
Get CMake: 0
Make Flags:
Build Shared Libs: 1
With X11: 1
svnbin=no svn in /bin /sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /sw/bin /usr/local/ssl/bin /usr/local/samba/bin /usr/local/java/bin /Users/yury/bin ./
Thirdparty already built, skipping...
-- Cannot determine repository type. Please set UPDATE_TYPE to 'cvs' or 'svn'. CTest update will not work.
-- Looking for CBLAS
-- Found ITK in SCIRun Thirdparty: /Users/yury/src/SCIRun/thirdparty.bin/3.0.2/Darwin-i386/gcc-4.0.1-32bit/lib/InsightToolkit
-- Setting ITK_DIR=/Users/yury/src/SCIRun/thirdparty.bin/3.0.2/Darwin-i386/gcc-4.0.1-32bit/lib/InsightToolkit
-- ITK_DIR specified as /Users/yury/src/SCIRun/thirdparty.bin/3.0.2/Darwin-i386/gcc-4.0.1-32bit/lib/InsightToolkit but Insight not included in LOAD_PACKAGE. Adding Insight to LOAD_PACKAGE.
-- LoadPackage=SCIRun,BioPSE,Teem,MatlabInterface,Insight
-- Building Seg3D by default because ITK found.
-- Cannot determine repository type. Please set UPDATE_TYPE to 'cvs' or 'svn'. CTest update will not work.
-- Cannot determine repository type. Please set UPDATE_TYPE to 'cvs' or 'svn'. CTest update will not work.
-- Creating createTclIndex
CMake Error: This project requires some variables to be set,
and cmake can not find them.
Please set the following variables:
-- Configuring done
Site: nanook.local
Build name: Darwin-c++
Create new tag: 20070502-2228 - Experimental
Start processing tests
Configure project
Configure with command: "/usr/bin/cmake" "/Users/yury/src/SCIRun/src"
Run command: "/usr/bin/cmake" "/Users/yury/src/SCIRun/src"
Each . represents 1024 bytes of output
.-- Cannot determine repository type. Please set UPDATE_TYPE to 'cvs' or 'svn'. CTest update will not work.
-- Looking for CBLAS
-- Found ITK in SCIRun Thirdparty: /Users/yury/src/SCIRun/thirdparty.bin/3.0.2/Darwin-i386/gcc-4.0.1-32bit/lib/InsightToolkit
-- Setting ITK_DIR=/Users/yury/src/SCIRun/thirdparty.bin/3.0.2/Darwin-i386/gcc-4.0.1-32bit/lib/InsightToolkit
-- ITK_DIR specified as /Users/yury/src/SCIRun/thirdparty.bin/3.0.2/Darwin-i386/gcc-4.0.1-32bit/lib/InsightToolkit but Insight not included in LOAD_PACKAGE. Adding Insight to LOAD_PACKAGE.
-- LoadPackage=SCIRun,BioPSE,Teem,MatlabInterface,Insight
-- Building Seg3D by default because ITK found.
-- Cannot determine repository type. Please set UPDATE_TYPE to 'cvs' or 'svn'. CTest update will not work.
-- Cannot determine repository type. Please set UPDATE_TYPE to 'cvs' or 'svn'. CTest update will not work.
-- Creating createTclIndex
.CMake Error: This project requires some variables to be set,
and cmake can not find them.
Please set the following variables:
-- Configuring done
Size of output: 1K
Command exited with the value: 255
Error(s) when updating the project
Build project
Run command: "/usr/bin/make" "-i"
Each symbol represents 1024 bytes of output.
'!' represents an error and '*' a warning.
.make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.
Size of output: 0K
Command exited with the value: 2
Error(s) when building project
0 Compiler errors
0 Compiler warnings
Test project /Users/yury/src/SCIRun/bin
Constructing a list of tests
No tests were found!!!
Performing coverage
Cannot find any coverage files. Ignoring Coverage request.
Create notes file
Add file: /Users/yury/src/SCIRun/bin/CMakeCache.txt
Submit files (using xmlrpc)
Using XML-RPC submit method
Submitting to: (SCIRUN_CORE)
Submit file: /Users/yury/src/SCIRun/bin/Testing/20070502-2228/Build.xml
Submit file: /Users/yury/src/SCIRun/bin/Testing/20070502-2228/Configure.xml
Submit file: /Users/yury/src/SCIRun/bin/Testing/20070502-2228/Notes.xml
Submit file: /Users/yury/src/SCIRun/bin/Testing/20070502-2228/Test.xml
Submission successful
Errors while running CTest
***ERROR in build script
The failed command was:
/usr/bin/ctest -VV -D Experimental -A /Users/yury/src/SCIRun/bin/CMakeCache.txt
Exit 1
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