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- From: butsonc <butsonc@gmail.com>
- To: scirun-users@sci.utah.edu
- Subject: [SCIRUN-USERS] Can't start BioTensor in v4.4
- Date: Fri, 6 Aug 2010 08:50:47 -0500
- Domainkey-signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws; d=gmail.com; s=gamma; h=from:content-type:content-transfer-encoding:subject:date:message-id :to:mime-version:x-mailer; b=SsYIpefQi+US8RiwCGELpgaoM2SDrbu5VGFucu4G40N97tGOhf736989JVYWrzNH5Z 1/R69CWgN8hHreaAO95thyT9Pg98C+wR6lzapCTgkX/mexS0VcoBoNs8+ot9wqYXgnV0 fDeuTCio3SBwJgFcHDq8N91JrvoWDp6JbgClw=
I'm trying to start BioTensor in SCIRun version 4.4 on OSX (version 10.6.4).
I can't find any specific installation instructions, but I can't start it
either. Both BioTensor files in example_nets/Teem/PowerApps appear to be
scripts. One results in a terminal error message and the other results in the
message "You can't open the application BioTensor because the Classic
environment is no longer supported". This sounds like a legacy script that
is no longer supported since Leopard. Is BioTensor still operational in OSX?
- [SCIRUN-USERS] Can't start BioTensor in v4.4, butsonc, 08/06/2010
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