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Re: [SCIRUN-USERS] Hexaedral meshing from CAD file format

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Brett Burton <>
  • To:
  • Cc: Brett Burton <>, " List" <>, Liz Jurrus <>
  • Subject: Re: [SCIRUN-USERS] Hexaedral meshing from CAD file format
  • Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2016 13:17:56 -0600


One way that you can find examples networks that use specific networks is to use the following grep command in your terminal.

greg -rl "ModuleName" --include \*.srn [PathToSCIRun]

So for your specific case, you can use:

greg -rl "InsertHex" --include \*.srn [LocalPath]\SCIRun

Using this I found an example network named InsertHexSheetAlongSurface.srn which had an example of how the module is to be used.

One thing that seems to hang the module is to use your outer boundary as an input boundary.  You need to actually define the boundary that you want within a hexvol field (like an unstructured LatVol that is in the network example and also the hemisphere example that can be found in the paper).

If I wanted to define a sphere, I could create a latvol (as is done in the example) and then define an equation of the sphere within the latvol using the CreateFieldData module {RESULTS = sqrt(X*X + Y*Y + Z*Z); }.  Then use the ExtractIsosurface module with some value less than 1 as your sphere radius (the LatVol by default exists between (-1,-1,-1) and (1,1,1)).  This will give you a trisurf surface of a sphere which can be used as your input #2 to the InsertHexVolSheet module.

This should get you what you need, but if there are further questions, feel free to ask.  You should be aware that the paper also speaks of CUBIT as an optimization tool.  SCIRun used to interface with CUBIT, but that functionality is no longer supported.  If you have access, however, you should be able to export a surface from SCIRun that can be used within CUBIT to generate a full hexahedral mesh.

All the best,

Brett Burton

PhD Candidate in Bioengineering | University of Utah

On Apr 28, 2016, at 8:34 AM, Liz Jurrus <> wrote:

Forwarding this question onto the scirun-users list for input.
- liz


Message: Hello, my name is Mouhamadou Dabo. I'm actually working on meshing CAD objets with complex geometries. I'm using Scirun 4.7 right now . After reading paper on "Hexahedral Mesh Generation for Biomedical Models in SCIRun" by Jason F. Shepherd and Chris R. Johnson it seems that the module "inserhexsheetalongsurface" should be used on a hexaedral mesh giving a surface boundary in order to obtain volumetric hexaedral mesh. How this module is used, what are the imput mesh data ?. I 'm stuck in generating an hexaedral mesh on a simple spherically shaped geormetry and the help menu is not really usefull. Have you some simples exemple applications in Scirun to do this.
Best regards,
Mouhamadou Dabo

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