I have a couple of questions on the units used by the "BuildFEMatrix" and add unknowns to the linear system. In my system, I import a label map as an NNRD file and clip the exterior regions of the NRRD file. The NRRD file identifies skin, scalp, and a couple of brain lobe regions from a synthetic model of the head.
I am using the "create matrix" and the BuildFEMatrix functions to -- hopefully-- replace the labels in the label map with the conductivities identified by the matrix in the 'create matrix' entries.
I am using a combination of CreateMatrix and Convert Indicies to filed data to try to generate inputs for "add Knows to Liner system". Should these values be expressed as voltages or current inputs, and what are the units?
Is there a way to use specify a current for the stimulus inputs?
I have attached a picture of the part of the network that I am concerned with.
What are the proper units for the conductivity matrix?
What are the proper units for the conductivity matrix?
Thank you very much
Douglas Todd