On Oct 7, 2022, at 2:19 AM, Lee, Jack <jack.lee@kcl.ac.uk> wrote:Hi,_______________________________________________I have built the latest Seg3D in a local folder, from the source off github. I would now like to install it to /usr/local so that it could be used by everyone on the machine, but I'm having trouble figuring out the best way.The binary seems to be pointing to all .so which are in the system folders except libpython3.4m.so.1.0, so for the time being I copied it over and the program seems to start up with just this (with Seg3D2 in another folder), but this doesn't seem the most graceful route to me. Also if I was to wipe all other files in the original build directory, I don't know if it will limit some functionalities when I start using the program.Have I missed a proper cmake install target? I'm on Ubuntu 20.04. If you could please advise the best way to go about this, I'd be very grateful.Best wishes,
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