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[shapeworks-users] ShapeWorks Users Get-Together

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Shireen Elhabian <>
  • To:,
  • Cc:, Shireen Elhabian <>
  • Subject: [shapeworks-users] ShapeWorks Users Get-Together
  • Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 10:37:39 -0600
  • Ironport-sdr: xhSJW+ZCuaMv7qKs6FiCzkvqcMLKBHSsT2pjKlBDp2tTznEk7ir5A8gZva4+uaFYEOXNV1Oa1+ 2ql8OJYB1DC+L13JdfxeiBt6L8MjKs9PjsCTkgU9fq9ZHjygXltR5/0kQxJfgwqbM04z76wMj3 Rs0zSo860DbajqooqQDMdbzeE6l5+JSG6rYMiMQwP+eHu6HPCpIcAONTRXlAK3V7b7YMjfnrZ3 xJZYkc+Kh6SR1Arb00wYQMg2s6vNC5QqJoB8CLKqfOSfRJH9GvFEljEFiSBF5dT6EN7+aDAO4H k2Q=

Dear All,

We would like to cordially invite you to our remote ShapeWorks monthly users get-together on Thursday, August 20th at 11 am MDT (see below for the zoom link). Please feel free to forward this invitation to whomever you think is interested in shape modeling.

This get-together will be an open discussion to hear your estimable feedback and recommendations about features that you have been using and/or would like to have in ShapeWorks. 

ShapeWorkers are here to answer your questions and turn your feedback into actionable items. 

This discussion is also an excellent opportunity to bring your shape modeling story on the table to discuss how we could help you customize the released use cases to your data and study.

—————— Zoom invitation ——————
Shireen Elhabian is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: ShapeWorks Users Get-together 
Time: Aug 20th, 2020 11:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 926 6927 2627
Passcode: 895869
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,92669272627# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,92669272627# US (Tacoma)

Dial by your location
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 926 6927 2627
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Join by H.323 (US West) (US East) (India Mumbai) (India Hyderabad) (EMEA) (Australia) (Brazil) (Canada) (Japan)
Meeting ID: 926 6927 2627
Passcode: 895869

Join by Skype for Business


For questions, comments, and feedback: Please use our emailing list and/or Gitter forum (

Getting the latest ShapeWorks tools:

Go to the Github page and follow the instructions in the top-level README:   

We also have shape analysis workflows (use cases) scripted in python. Please see

Looking forward to our discussion! …. 


Shireen Elhabian, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor, School of Computing
Research Computer Scientist, Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute
University of Utah
WEB 2815
72 Central Campus Drive, Salt Lake City, UT, 84112
Phone (801) 587-3206
Fax (801) 585-6513
Home Page:

  • [shapeworks-users] ShapeWorks Users Get-Together, Shireen Elhabian, 08/19/2020

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