the fact that some of those libs have the "wrong name" shows that you have compiled Qt with the wrong parameters. Qt has the habbit of naming the static libs differently from the shared libs (hence you had no QtGuid.lib but only a QtGuid4.lib for example) renaming those files or chaing the project does not help (actually it breaks a few things). So it's not like our vs file are outdated (actually we just changed them yesterday) but it's you having the wrong Qt build. Please use the scripts from the imagevis scripts directory build, and note that we have not yet tested Qt 4.7 but only the Qt 4.6 builds, but they do coexist with your Qt 4.7 nicely. From you debug out below btw I can see that you do not have the qtdir32 env var set properly. Be aware that you need to restart your visual studio for any change in env variables to take effect.
well, cmake is a differnt story, I can exaplain that another time :-) Cheers Jens
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