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[IV3D-USERS] Re: imagevis3D data format

Chronological Thread 
  • From: tom fogal <tfogal@sci.utah.edu>
  • To: "Yang, Hui" <Hui.Yang@rockets.utoledo.edu>
  • Cc: iv3d-users@sci.utah.edu
  • Subject: [IV3D-USERS] Re: imagevis3D data format
  • Date: Tue, 07 Feb 2012 10:52:02 +0100


let's keep the list CC'd.

I don't think I saved the transfer function... but I made it beautiful via trial and error ;). I do this kind of thing a lot, it comes easy with some practice, trust me.

In the 1D transfer function you're looking at a histogram of your data set. The X axis is the data value, and the Y value is the number of times it occurs in the data set.

2D is a bit different. The X axis is the same, but the Y axis is the *gradient* (magnitude) of the data. Large gradient magnitudes are commonly observed at boundaries. You can zoom in the 2D transfer function, just use your mousewheel.

Sorry, I can't spend time investigating every data set that people send me. We can talk off-list and see if there's something worth collaborating on, though.

IV3D's stereo should work fine for your wall, assuming you drive it with a single computer. Once you go beyond a single machine, you need something which will coordinate rendering... IV3D can't do that on it's own. You might investigate something like Chromium or IceT. We have some research code here which can drive a wall in 2D, but nothing (yet) for 3D; ping me privately if you're interested.


On 02/07/2012 12:23 AM, Yang, Hui wrote:
Hi Tom,

Thanks for adding the ".am" support for us. The example you attached
is very impressive. How did you get it so beautiful? Would you please
show me the transfer function?

About the transfer function, what is the meaning of the X axis and Y
axis in 1D/2D transfer function? When I open my laplacian data, all the
data are all located at lower right corner (2D transfer function). Is
there a way I can magnify that area so that I could choose different
part of the data? I've attached one small laplacian data file. Would you
please take a look for me?

We are trying to find a 3D visualization software to be installed on
our Hyperwall to visualize our electron density data in 3D. Does
imageVis3D support quad buffered stereo? We use quadro FX 4800 graphic card.

I really appreciate your help!
From: tom fogal [tfogal@sci.utah.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 10:05 PM
To: Yang, Hui
Subject: Re: imagevis3D data format

Hi Hui,

As you might have guessed, this slipped off my radar.  Sorry about that!
   You've got exactly the correct approach, though -- just send me a ping
when I forget about something I've promised.

I just committed a reader for the ".am" variant.  It won't be too hard
to add support for the .grd variant, but I want to get back to some
other work.  Let me know if that's a big holdup for you.

You can download a binary with support for the format from:


those binaries should be updated by midnight.  Really just look at the
timestamp: anything dated after this email will have support for the format.

Let me know if you encounter any issues,


On 01/04/2012 01:44 PM, Yang, Hui wrote:
Hi Tom,

Happy New Year!

Did you get a chance to take a look at the data that I submitted? I am still 
struggling to use ImageVis3D to do the volume rendering of our data. Any help 
will be appreciated!


Dr. Hui Yang
Post-Doc Research Fellow
Department of Chemistry
Middle Tennessee State University

-----Original Message-----
From: Yang, Hui
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 1:57 PM
To: 'tom fogal'
Subject: RE: imagevis3D data format

Hi Tom,

I have tried to convert those amira files to nrrd file format by just 
replacing the header. It seems to work.  But I am still far away from the 
example of the volume rendering of B12 molecule (please see the attached pdf 
file), which is the work from our group (by Prof. Preston MacDougall and 
Christopher Henze) almost ten years ago.  That figure was obtained using a 1D 
transfer function.  My question is how can I get the similar (better) figures 
using the 2D transfer function.  Any help will be appreciated!


Dr. Hui Yang
Post-Doc Research Fellow
Department of Chemistry
Middle Tennessee State University

-----Original Message-----
From: Yang, Hui
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 5:15 PM
To: 'tom fogal'
Subject: RE: imagevis3D data format

I've uploaded grd and am files of 5 different molecules to "Amira-hui".  The 
only difference between the grd file and am file is the header.


-----Original Message-----
From: tom fogal [mailto:tfogal@sci.utah.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, December 07, 2011 4:48 PM
To: Yang, Hui
Subject: Re: imagevis3D data format

You just need to use an ftp client to connect to:


After connecting, change into the "upload" directory.  You can then place any 
AmiraMesh files you've created there.  Feel free to create a directory to house them 
all, but it's not required.

When they've finished uploading, please send me a ping and let me know what 
the files are called.



On 12/07/2011 03:44 PM, Yang, Hui wrote:
Please let me know how to set up the ftp connection.


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