Hi, welcome.
Timely. Someone else asked about the exact same thing ~a month ago. Check the archives for details, but basically: this happens in glsl shaders, I would recommend the GLGridLeaper* ones since that renderer is the best one. But, as far as I'm aware that still requires you have a newish NVIDIA card and Linux/Windows, still.
On June 25, 2016 10:50:01 AM PDT, Aashay Mittal < > wrote:
>I am a student at IIIT Delhi (India), and am working on a project on
>ImageVis3D seems to be the best software that is open-source and
>supports the
>gradient based 2D transfer function.
>I however, want to modify the transfer function applied to apply
>function based on their 3D spatial location.
>(i.e. i want to assign a voxel denoted by P(x,y,z) an RGBA mapping
>instead of
>a point indicated by (I,f'(I) ).
>I've been looking into the software from quite a few days, but since am
>student and new to graphics and rendering, haven't been able to have
>success in the same.
>So if you could please point out the files where this mapping between
>and color assigned to them is taking place.
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