- From: "Travers, Henry" <
- To: "
" <
- Subject: Re: [IV3D-USERS] Visible Human Data Set
- Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2018 00:11:54 +0000
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Thank you very much. I'm not sure how to have you the dataset. I have a
Dropbox account, but have not until now had reason for much beyond 6 GB of
storage. How large is the dataset? Looking at the NIH FTP site, I figured
on around 40 GB. Once I know the size, I can look into a cloud storage
On Oct 11, 2018, at 4:02 PM, Krüger, Jens
we’ve already converted the visible human full color dataset into
native UVF format and I’d be happy to provide you with the converted
Just let me know where you want me to copy it to (it’s quite large).
As for using ImageVis3D on macOS. It’s possible but not advisable due to
Apple’s very limited OpenGL support. As a number of key features of modern
GPUs are not accessible on macOS you cannot use ImageVis3D’s GridLeaper
renderer, which means rendering on macOS will be significantly slower than
Windows or Linux, even on the same hardware.
> Am 11.10.2018 um 18:34 schrieb
> <
> <
> I am quite new to ImageVis3D and was hoping to be able to load the Visible
> Human Project cross section image datasets (not the radiographic images).
> The
> files I’m interested in - according to the letter from Dr. Ackerman, are in
> the “Fullcolor” portion of the FTP site and are dry-sectional images in a
> .raw
> format. I’ve tried to convert those to the Vis3D format, but have failed
> miserably.
> I’m using a Mac Pro (2015) with 32GB of core memory operating under
> Mojave.
> The parameters supplied for the dataset are:
> Frame size: 2048,1216
> Pixel size: 0.33mm, 0.33mm, 0.1mm
> Format RGB 24 bit non-interleaved
> Any advice you can give would be appreciated.
> Thanks.
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