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- From: Lorena Kreda <lkreda@ece.neu.edu>
- To: David M Weinstein <dmw@sci.utah.edu>
- Cc: scirun-users@sci.utah.edu
- Subject: Re: [SCIRUN-USERS] Trouble with SubMatrix
- Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 10:17:43 -0400 (EDT)
Thanks, Dave, this is a big help!
On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, David M Weinstein wrote:
Hi Lorena,
It turns out the Submatrix module was ok, but your test case did help me
find two bugs in ErrorMetric -- thanks! I've committed those changes to
our current CVS build, and they will be shipped as part of our upcoming
release (scheduled for early October).
Here are the diff's in case you want to incorporate them into your 1.10
tree now:
< $w.data.g xaxis configure -title "Element" -min 1
> $w.data.g xaxis configure -title "Element" -min 0
< if (!ivec1P_->get(ivec1H) ||
!(ivec1=dynamic_cast<ColumnMatrix*>(ivec1H.get_rep()))) return;
> if (!ivec1P_->get(ivec1H)) return;
> ivec1=ivec1H->column();
< if (!ivec2P_->get(ivec2H) ||
!(ivec2=dynamic_cast<ColumnMatrix*>(ivec2H.get_rep()))) return;
> if (!ivec2P_->get(ivec2H)) return;
> ivec2=ivec2H->column();
Lorena Kreda wrote:
>I'm seeing some strange behavior that I think is associated with the
>Submatrix module.
>I've attached an example net and data file.
>I'm using ErrorMetric to plot the contents of a vector by passing the same
>data to both inputs.
>In one ErrorMetric, I plot a row vector that is selected from an input
>matrix using MatrixSelectVector. This may be correct.
>Then I try to extract the first 4 elements of that vector and plot these
>values. This doesn't appear to work. In this case, the horizontal axis in
>the ErrorMetric window ranges from 1 to 1.1 and no data is plotted.
>In the first ErrorMetric window, the horizontal axis ranges from 1 to 7,
>and it looks like the right data is plotted. Except, now that I look at
>it, there should be 8 data values on this plot, not 7. Hmm.
>Any help will be much appreciated.
>Thank you,
># SCI Network 1.0
>::netedit dontschedule
>global notes
>set notes ""
>set m0 [addModuleAtPosition "SCIRun" "DataIO" "MatrixReader" 210 37]
>set m1 [addModuleAtPosition "SCIRun" "Math" "MatrixSelectVector" 210 138]
>set m2 [addModuleAtPosition "SCIRun" "Math" "Submatrix" 210 247]
>set m3 [addModuleAtPosition "SCIRun" "Math" "CastMatrix" 503 55]
>set m4 [addModuleAtPosition "SCIRun" "Math" "ErrorMetric" 213 391]
>set m5 [addModuleAtPosition "SCIRun" "Math" "ErrorMetric" 513 265]
>addConnection $m0 0 $m1 0
>addConnection $m1 0 $m2 0
>addConnection $m1 0 $m3 0
>addConnection $m2 0 $m4 0
>addConnection $m2 0 $m4 1
>addConnection $m1 0 $m5 0
>addConnection $m1 0 $m5 1
>set $m0-notes {}
>set $m0-show_status {1}
>set $m0-filename
>set $m1-notes {}
>set $m1-show_status {1}
>set $m1-row_or_col {row}
>set $m1-selectable_min {0}
>set $m1-selectable_max { 6}
>set $m1-selectable_inc {7}
>set $m1-selectable_units {Units}
>set $m1-range_min {0}
>set $m1-range_max {6}
>set $m1-playmode {once}
>set $m1-current {0}
>set $m1-execmode {init}
>set $m1-delay {0}
>set $m1-inc-amount {1}
>set $m1-send-amount {1}
>set $m2-notes {}
>set $m2-show_status {1}
>set $m2-mincol {0}
>set $m2-maxcol {0}
>set $m2-minrow {0}
>set $m2-maxrow {3}
>set $m2-nrow {8}
>set $m2-ncol {1}
>set $m3-notes {}
>set $m3-show_status {1}
>set $m3-oldtype {ColumnMatrix}
>set $m3-newtype {Same}
>set $m3-nrow {8}
>set $m3-ncol {1}
>set $m4-notes {}
>set $m4-show_status {1}
>set $m4-haveUI {1}
>set $m4-methodTCL {CCinv}
>set $m4-pTCL {1}
>set $m5-notes {}
>set $m5-show_status {1}
>set $m5-haveUI {1}
>set $m5-methodTCL {CCinv}
>set $m5-pTCL {1}
>$m1 initialize_ui
>$m2 initialize_ui
>$m3 initialize_ui
>$m4 initialize_ui
>$m5 initialize_ui
>::netedit scheduleok
>{@1 {DenseMatrix 3 {Matrix 3 {PropertyManager 2 0 }
>7 8 {0 0.980785 0.55557 -0.19509 -0.83147 -0.980785 -0.55557 0.19509
>0.83147 0.92388 -0.382683 -0.92388 0.382683 0.92388 -0.382683 -0.92388
>0.382683 0.83147 -0.980785 0.55557 0.19509 -0.83147 0.980785 -0.55557
>-0.19509 0.707107 -0.707107 0.707107 -0.707107 0.707107 -0.707107 0.707107
>-0.707107 0.19509 0.83147 0.980785 0.55557 -0.19509 -0.83147 -0.980785
>-0.55557 0.382683 0.92388 -0.382683 -0.92388 0.382683 0.92388 -0.382683
>-0.92388 0.55557 0.19509 -0.83147 0.980785 -0.55557 -0.19509 0.83147
>-0.980785 }}
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== The SCIRun Users mailing list: send email to majordomo@sci.utah.edu ==
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== Please acknowledge use of SCIRun in your papers and reports: ==
== see
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