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Re: [SCIRUN-USERS] left/right for MR volumes

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Gordon Kindlmann" <>
  • To: "Chris Butson" <>
  • Cc:
  • Subject: Re: [SCIRUN-USERS] left/right for MR volumes
  • Date: 15 Jan 2006 12:13:52 -0700
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I can't speak to how SCIRun uses Nrrd to represent orientation, but I can say that Nrrd's representation of orientation is a superset of what DICOM uses (it can define orientation in DICOM's left-posterior- superior frame, among others), so a lossless conversion of orientation from DICOM to Nrrd is certainly possible.

otherwise fairly useless,

On Jan 15, 2006, at 11:57 AM, Chris Butson wrote:

I have noticed a discrepancy in the way Teem handles left/right for MR volumes. I have a 160 slice T1 MR acquired from a Siemens scanner. This particular patient has a very asymmetric brain so left/right are easy to identify from inspection. If I load the patient data into SCIRun either from raw dicom files (using DicomNrrdReader) or from a hdr/img volume (generated using Analyze, loaded into scirun with AnalyzeNrrdReader) then the 3D brain volume is flipped left/right. If I view the same hdr/img volume or dicom series in Analyze then left/right are rendered correctly in 3D.

The radiologists convention dictates that for patients who are head first and supine in the magnet, you should envision looking through the feet so the right side of the brain is on the left side of the screen for axial slices. However, 3D renderings are unambiguous in terms of left/right so no convention is needed. So it is a little odd that the scirun renderings seem to be flipped. More disturbing is the difference in 3D rendering from the same data with different pieces of software. Has anyone else noticed this problem? Is there an explanation for this behavior that I am missing?


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