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- From: Ashu Chaturvedi <ashu@case.edu>
- To: scirun-users@sci.utah.edu
- Subject: [SCIRUN-USERS] converting old field files into new ones
- Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2008 16:20:02 -0500
Hello all,
I have a quick question regarding converting my old *.fld files into
ones that can be read by the latest version of SCIRun. The old
version we have been using was v1.25.0, and I've grabbed the latest
v3.0.2 from your svn trunk. The error I get is captured in the
attached screenshot. Any suggestions on how I can easily convert old
field files to the new ones? Previously, a simple change in the
headers was enough, but I checked the header info (with a text editor)
and they seem to be similar now. Thanks in advance for your help!
--Ashu Chaturvedi

- [SCIRUN-USERS] converting old field files into new ones, Ashu Chaturvedi, 02/06/2008
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