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- From: Ashu Chaturvedi <ashu@case.edu>
- To: scirun-users@sci.utah.edu
- Subject: [SCIRUN-USERS] Is the IntegrateCurrent module working correctly?
- Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2008 20:40:52 -0400
Hi there,
I'm having some weird issues with the IntegrateCurrent module in my
SCIRun network. I wold like to note that I'm using a v3.0.2 unix
source build of SCIRun on a linux workstation.
After hooking up all the input ports to IntegrateCurrent, I get an
error in the module that is shown below:

I'm not sure why it keeps saying the the first input port EField isn't
a TetVolField<Vector>. When I do a ReportFieldInfo on that input, it
seems to be what it wants:

As you can see, it appears to be a TetVolMesh<Vector>... does anyone
have any suggestions on how to fix this problem? Hopefully it's
something blatantly obvious that I'm missing. Thanks in advance for
your help!
--Ashu Chaturvedi
- [SCIRUN-USERS] Is the IntegrateCurrent module working correctly?, Ashu Chaturvedi, 07/05/2008
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