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[SCIRUN-USERS] ??????Fwd: Contact CIBC Submission

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "786069218" <>
  • To: "scirun-users" <>
  • Subject: [SCIRUN-USERS] ??????Fwd: Contact CIBC Submission
  • Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2016 21:06:14 +0800

I refer to the network structure of torso-tank-BEM,  and I want to mapping the potential of torso surface eletrode  onto torso surface  
by using 'the MapFieldDataFromSourceToDestination module'. The data format  torso surface electrode is .pts,  and the data format torso
surface is .mat, which contains the face and position. What should I do?

------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????: "????????????";<>;
????????: 2016??3??16??(??????) ????9:28
??????: "scirun-users"<>;
????: ??????Fwd: Contact CIBC Submission

Thank you for your reply.

I have download a set of data from Auckland University. The torso surface have 1512 point, but they select 171 electrode when measured the data. Now I have 1512 point positions and its face, and the potentials which corresponding the electrode, now I would like to show the data on the body
surface, and the version of my scirun is 4.7.

In order to describe my problem more clearly, I use a picture to illustrate, the result is wrong, what should I do

------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????: "Liz Jurrus";<>;
????????: 2016??3??15??(??????) ????7:35
??????: "786069218"<>; "scirun-users"<>;
????: Fwd: Contact CIBC Submission

Forwarding this question onto our mailing list...

Can you provide more information about the dataset you're using?

- liz


I have found a data about ecg, but the data and geometry does not match,
because they select some electorde on body surface . But now, I only
have the electrode coordinate what should I do?

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