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Re: [SCIRUN-USERS] Lab practices of UB

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Annalisa Calo <>
  • To: jess <>
  • Cc: "" <>
  • Subject: Re: [SCIRUN-USERS] Lab practices of UB
  • Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2022 19:05:14 +0000
  • Accept-language: ca-ES, en-US
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Thanks a lot!!
Great keep me updated. 


Annalisa Calo'
Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica y Biomédica UB

De: jess <>
Enviat el: dimecres, 20 d’abril de 2022 20:21
Per a: Annalisa Calo <>
A/c: <>
Tema: Re: [SCIRUN-USERS] Lab practices of UB
Hi Annalise,

I’m not quite sure what you’re referring to.  Dipole widgets are in the latest release ( and can be used to set up the forward dipole model in both brain and heart applications.  Here is a network that uses the dipole widget with an ECG model:  

Here is the doc for the fwd/inv toolkit:  Here is the old BioPSE documentation, which we are in the process of updating:

We can try to get some more of the these networks and docs updated soon.  I’ll keep you updated.


On Apr 19, 2022, at 6:20 AM, Annalisa Calo <> wrote:

Thanks for your message. 

It seems that the modules for widgets are not available in the beta version ... I think they are necessary for the direct problem. Is there any version were thay are available? Also, if you have some link to the documentation it would be great.


Annalisa Calo'
Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica y Biomédica UB

De: jess <>
Enviat el: dilluns, 18 d’abril de 2022 22:59
Per a: Annalisa Calo <>
A/c: <>
Tema: Re: [SCIRUN-USERS] Lab practices of UB
Hi Annalisa,

It’s always nice to see SCIRun used in the classroom.   We have many forward/inverse examples implemented in the Fwd/inv toolkit (  While these could be applied more generally, the examples are mostly implemented with ECG data.  We are currently working on some EEG examples to include, but unfortunately they are not ready to for distribution.  


On Apr 11, 2022, at 2:51 AM, Annalisa Calo <> wrote:

Good morning, 

I am a lecturer and I recently incorporated in the Department of Electronic and Biomedical Engineering of University of Barcelona. 

I would like to design a set of practices (2, maximum 3) related to the topic of bioelectricity. In the past, my colleagues had done the solution of the direct and inverse problem of eectrocardiography, using SciRun. I see that they used a very old version of the software and that now the software looks very different.

I would be really happy if you can give me some suggestions and which are the nets to use. Also, if you consider that some other topic can be more appropriate than the direct/inverse problem and nice for the students to see, I will be very open to hear from you. 

Thanks a lot. I look forward to receive your feedback. 

Annalisa Calo'
Departamento de Ingeniería Electrónica y Biomédica UB

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