Dear Seg3D2 staff
I have a binary mask loaded in Seg3D2. With the Transform operator, I generate a copy of that same image but I change its origin to be +8 units in the X axis.
So I have a mask and the same mask but displaced in the X axis.
If I apply the Point set registration algorithm to these masks, after 30 iterations I obtain a new mask that is close to the target mask, but the translation parameters that appear on the ITK interface are very confusing.
I would expect to obtain a translation in X close to 8 (or -8) and Y and Z translation to be near 0.
Instead I obtain translations on X, Y and Z between 0.5 and 0.9. However, the newly generated mask is really close to the target mask.
Is there a problem with the transformation values? I'm interpreting the results wrongly?
Many thanks
Sergio Vera
Alma IT Systems
C/ Vilana, 4B, 4º 1ª
08022 Barcelona
T. (+34) 932 380 592