- From: Ramón Casero Cañas <rcasero@gmail.com>
- To: "seg3d@sci.utah.edu" <seg3d@sci.utah.edu>
- Subject: [Seg3D] Error building revision 1994 for linux Ubuntu 13.04
- Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 13:02:38 +0000
I'm trying to build the latest revision of Seg3D2 on Ubuntu Raring
Ringtail 13.04.
I have
Revision: 1994
I get the error
$ ./build.sh --release
Scanning dependencies of target Core_Utils
[ 74%] Building CXX object
In function ‘bool Core::RecursiveCopyDirectory(const
boost::filesystem::path&, const boost::filesystem::path&)’:
error: ‘filesystem3’ is not a namespace-name
error: expected namespace-name before ‘;’ token
error: ‘recursive_directory_iterator’ was not declared in this scope
note: suggested alternative:
note: ‘boost::filesystem::recursive_directory_iterator’
error: expected ‘;’ before ‘dir_it’
error: expected ‘;’ before ‘dir_end’
error: ‘dir_it’ was not declared in this scope
error: ‘dir_end’ was not declared in this scope
error: ‘path’ was not declared in this scope
note: suggested alternative:
note: ‘boost::filesystem::path’
error: expected ‘;’ before ‘source_path’
error: expected ‘;’ before ‘file_path’
error: ‘path’ is not a class or namespace
error: expected ‘;’ before ‘path_it’
error: ‘path_it’ was not declared in this scope
error: ‘file_path’ was not declared in this scope
error: expected ‘;’ before ‘dst_path’
error: ‘is_regular_file’ was not declared in this scope
note: suggested alternative:
note: ‘boost::filesystem::is_regular_file’
error: ‘source_path’ was not declared in this scope
error: ‘dst_path’ was not declared in this scope
error: ‘copy_file’ was not declared in this scope
note: suggested alternatives:
note: ‘boost::filesystem::copy_file’
note: ‘boost::filesystem::detail::copy_file’
error: ‘is_directory’ was not declared in this scope
note: suggested alternative:
note: ‘boost::filesystem::is_directory’
error: ‘source_path’ was not declared in this scope
error: ‘dst_path’ was not declared in this scope
error: ‘copy_directory’ was not declared in this scope
note: suggested alternatives:
note: ‘boost::filesystem::copy_directory’
note: ‘boost::filesystem::detail::copy_directory’
make[2]: *** [Core/Utils/CMakeFiles/Core_Utils.dir/FilesystemUtil.cc.o] Error
make[1]: *** [Core/Utils/CMakeFiles/Core_Utils.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
Building Seg3D returned an error
Either the code failed to build properly or
the testing programs failed to complete without
every single test program passing the test.
Best regards,
Dr. Ramón Casero Cañas
Oxford e-Research Centre (OeRC)
University of Oxford
7 Keble Rd
Oxford OX1 3QG
tlf +44 (0) 1865 610739
Build platform is Linux.
Parsing arguments...
CMake args:
Get CMake: 0
Make Flags:
Build Type: Release
/usr/bin/cmake version 2.8.9 found
-- Configuring RPATH settings
-- Configuring External Packages
-- Configuring zlib
-- Configuring MatlabIO
-- Configuring libpng
-- Configuring teem
-- Configuring glew
-- Configuring freetype
-- Configuring tinyxml
-- Configuring SQLite
-- Configuring GDCM
-- Configuring insight toolkit
-- Enabled ITKDoubleConversion, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKKWSys, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKVNL, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKVNLInstantiation, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKCommon, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKFiniteDifference, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKImageFilterBase, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKCurvatureFlow, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKImageAdaptors, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKNetlib, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKStatistics, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKTransform, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKImageFunction, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKImageGrid, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKAnisotropicSmoothing, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKImageCompose, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOImageBase, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKMesh, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKZLIB, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKMetaIO, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKSpatialObjects, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKImageStatistics, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKPath, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKImageIntensity, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKImageLabel, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKThresholding, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKConnectedComponents, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKMathematicalMorphology, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKLabelMap, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKBinaryMathematicalMorphology, requested by
-- Enabled ITKNarrowBand, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKDistanceMap, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKQuadEdgeMesh, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKFastMarching, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKImageCompare, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKSmoothing, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKImageGradient, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKImageSources, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKImageFeature, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKOptimizers, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKSignedDistanceFunction, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKLevelSets, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKAntiAlias, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKPolynomials, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKBiasCorrection, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKBioCell, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKClassifiers, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKColormap, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKFFT, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKConvolution, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKDICOMParser, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKDeconvolution, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKDeformableMesh, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKDenoising, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKDiffusionTensorImage, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKDisplacementField, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKEigen, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKExpat, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOXML, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOSpatialObjects, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKRegistrationCommon, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKFEM, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKPDEDeformableRegistration, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKFEMRegistration, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKGDCM, needed by [ITKIOGDCM].
-- Enabled ITKNIFTI, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKGIFTI, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKGPUCommon, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKGPUFiniteDifference, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKGPUAnisotropicSmoothing, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKGPUImageFilterBase, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKGPURegistrationCommon, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKGPUPDEDeformableRegistration, requested by
-- Enabled ITKGPUSmoothing, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKGPUThresholding, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKHDF5, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOBMP, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOBioRad, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOCSV, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOGDCM, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOIPL, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOGE, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOGIPL, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOHDF5, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKJPEG, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOJPEG, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKTIFF, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOTIFF, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOLSM, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOMesh, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOMeta, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIONIFTI, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKNrrdIO, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIONRRD, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKPNG, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOPNG, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIORAW, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOSiemens, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOStimulate, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOTransformBase, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOTransformHDF5, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOTransformInsightLegacy, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOTransformMatlab, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIOVTK, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKImageFusion, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKIntegratedTest, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKKLMRegionGrowing, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKLabelVoting, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKLevelSetsv4, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKMarkovRandomFieldsClassifiers, requested by
-- Enabled ITKOptimizersv4, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKMetricsv4, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKNeuralNetworks, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKOpenJPEG, needed by [ITKReview].
-- Enabled ITKQuadEdgeMeshFiltering, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKRegionGrowing, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKRegistrationMethodsv4, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKSpatialFunction, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKVTK, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKVoronoi, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKWatersheds, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKReview, requested by Module_ITKReview.
-- Enabled ITKTestKernel, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKVideoCore, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKVideoFiltering, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Enabled ITKVideoIO, requested by ITK_BUILD_ALL_MODULES.
-- Filter ZLIB is ON
-- Configuring MRC2000
-- Configuring python
-- Python version 3.2.0
-- Using unsigned short for unicode
-- Adding _thread as static module
-- Adding _io as static module
-- Adding _multiprocessing as static module
-- Adding zlib as static module
-- Adding atexit as static module
-- Adding _pickle as static module
-- Adding array as static module
-- Adding binascii as static module
-- Adding cmath as static module
-- Adding errno as static module
-- Adding math as static module
-- Adding posix as static module
-- Adding operator as static module
-- Adding signal as static module
-- Adding _md5 as static module
-- Adding _sha1 as static module
-- Adding _sha256 as static module
-- Adding _sha512 as static module
-- Adding time as static module
-- Adding _locale as static module
-- Adding _codecs as static module
-- Adding _weakref as static module
-- Adding _random as static module
-- Adding _bisect as static module
-- Adding _heapq as static module
-- Adding _lsprof as static module
-- Adding itertools as static module
-- Adding _collections as static module
-- Adding _symtable as static module
-- Adding mmap as static module
-- Adding _csv as static module
-- Adding _sre as static module
-- Adding parser as static module
-- Adding _struct as static module
-- Adding _datetime as static module
-- Adding _functools as static module
-- Adding _json as static module
-- Adding xxsubtype as static module
-- Adding zipimport as static module
-- Adding select as static module
-- Adding pwd as static module
-- Adding _posixsubprocess as static module
-- Adding fcntl as static module
-- Adding grp as static module
-- Adding _multibytecodec as static module
-- Adding _codecs_cn as static module
-- Adding _codecs_hk as static module
-- Adding _codecs_iso2022 as static module
-- Adding _codecs_jp as static module
-- Adding _codecs_kr as static module
-- Adding _codecs_tw as static module
-- Adding _string as static module
-- Configuring boost
-- Configuring Seg3D2
-- XInitThreads found
-- Configuring Seg3D Core
-- Configuring Seg3D Application
-- Configuring Seg3D Interface
-- Configuring Seg3D Plugins
-- Configuring Seg3D Resources
-- Configuring Seg3D main
-- Configuring Seg3D registered functions
-- Configuring action python wrapper functions
-- Configuring Seg3D packaging
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/orie1416/Documents/seg3d.2.1/bin
Building SCIRun using make...
[ 1%] Built target zlib
[ 1%] Built target MatlabIO
[ 1%] Built target libpng12
[ 9%] Built target teem
[ 9%] Built target glew
[ 10%] Built target freetype
[ 10%] Built target tinyxml
[ 10%] Built target sqlite
[ 10%] Built target gdcmuuid
[ 12%] Built target gdcmjpeg8
[ 14%] Built target gdcmjpeg12
[ 16%] Built target gdcmjpeg16
[ 16%] Built target gdcmexpat
[ 16%] Built target gdcmopenjpeg
[ 17%] Built target gdcmCommon
[ 18%] Built target gdcmDSED
[ 19%] Built target gdcmIOD
[ 19%] Built target gdcmDICT
[ 21%] Built target gdcmMSFF
[ 21%] Built target itkdouble-conversion
[ 21%] Built target ITKDoubleConversion-all
[ 22%] Built target itksys
[ 22%] Built target ITKKWSys-all
[ 22%] Built target itkvcl
[ 30%] Built target itkvnl
[ 30%] Built target itkv3p_lsqr
[ 39%] Built target itkv3p_netlib
[ 41%] Built target itkvnl_algo
[ 41%] Built target itktestlib
[ 41%] Built target ITKVNL-all
[ 42%] Built target ITKVNLInstantiation
[ 42%] Built target ITKVNLInstantiation-all
[ 45%] Built target ITKCommon
[ 45%] Built target ITKCommon-all
[ 45%] Built target ITKFiniteDifference-all
[ 45%] Built target ITKImageFilterBase-all
[ 45%] Built target ITKCurvatureFlow-all
[ 45%] Built target ITKImageAdaptors-all
[ 46%] Built target itkNetlibSlatec
[ 46%] Built target ITKNetlib-all
[ 46%] Built target ITKStatistics
[ 46%] Built target ITKStatistics-all
[ 46%] Built target ITKTransform-all
[ 46%] Built target ITKImageFunction-all
[ 46%] Built target ITKImageGrid-all
[ 46%] Built target ITKAnisotropicSmoothing-all
[ 46%] Built target ITKImageCompose-all
[ 46%] Built target ITKIOImageBase
[ 46%] Built target ITKIOImageBase-all
[ 46%] Built target ITKMesh
[ 46%] Built target ITKMesh-all
[ 47%] Built target itkzlib
[ 47%] Built target ITKZLIB-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKMetaIO
[ 48%] Built target ITKMetaIO-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKSpatialObjects
[ 48%] Built target ITKSpatialObjects-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKImageStatistics-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKPath
[ 48%] Built target ITKPath-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKImageIntensity-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKImageLabel-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKThresholding-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKConnectedComponents-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKMathematicalMorphology-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKLabelMap
[ 48%] Built target ITKLabelMap-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKBinaryMathematicalMorphology-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKNarrowBand-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKDistanceMap-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKQuadEdgeMesh
[ 48%] Built target ITKQuadEdgeMesh-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKFastMarching-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKImageCompare-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKSmoothing-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKImageGradient-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKImageSources-all
[ 48%] Built target ITKImageFeature-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKOptimizers
[ 49%] Built target ITKOptimizers-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKSignedDistanceFunction-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKLevelSets-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKAntiAlias-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKPolynomials
[ 49%] Built target ITKPolynomials-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKBiasCorrection
[ 49%] Built target ITKBiasCorrection-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKBioCell
[ 49%] Built target ITKBioCell-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKClassifiers-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKColormap-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKFFT-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKConvolution-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKDICOMParser
[ 49%] Built target ITKDICOMParser-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKDeconvolution-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKDeformableMesh-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKDenoising-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKDiffusionTensorImage-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKDisplacementField-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKEigen-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKEXPAT
[ 49%] Built target ITKExpat-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKIOXML
[ 49%] Built target ITKIOXML-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKIOSpatialObjects
[ 49%] Built target ITKIOSpatialObjects-all
[ 49%] Built target ITKRegistrationCommon-all
[ 50%] Built target ITKFEM
[ 50%] Built target ITKFEM-all
[ 50%] Built target ITKPDEDeformableRegistration-all
[ 50%] Built target ITKFEMRegistration-all
[ 50%] Built target ITKGDCM
[ 50%] Built target ITKGDCM-all
[ 50%] Built target ITKznz
[ 50%] Built target ITKniftiio
[ 50%] Built target ITKNIFTI-all
[ 50%] Built target ITKgiftiio
[ 50%] Built target ITKGIFTI-all
[ 50%] Built target ITKGPUCommon-all
[ 50%] Built target ITKGPUFiniteDifference-all
[ 50%] Built target ITKGPUAnisotropicSmoothing-all
[ 50%] Built target ITKGPUImageFilterBase-all
[ 50%] Built target ITKGPURegistrationCommon-all
[ 50%] Built target ITKGPUPDEDeformableRegistration-all
[ 50%] Built target ITKGPUSmoothing-all
[ 50%] Built target ITKGPUThresholding-all
[ 50%] Built target itk_H5make_libsettings
[ 50%] Built target itk_h5detect
[ 58%] Built target itkhdf5
[ 59%] Built target itkhdf5_hl
[ 59%] Built target itkhdf5_cpp
[ 59%] Built target ITKHDF5-all
[ 59%] Built target itkhdf5_hl_cpp
[ 59%] Built target ITKIOBMP
[ 59%] Built target ITKIOBMP-all
[ 59%] Built target ITKIOBioRad
[ 59%] Built target ITKIOBioRad-all
[ 59%] Built target ITKIOCSV
[ 59%] Built target ITKIOCSV-all
[ 60%] Built target ITKIOGDCM
[ 60%] Built target ITKIOGDCM-all
[ 60%] Built target ITKIOIPL
[ 60%] Built target ITKIOIPL-all
[ 60%] Built target ITKIOGE
[ 60%] Built target ITKIOGE-all
[ 60%] Built target ITKIOGIPL
[ 60%] Built target ITKIOGIPL-all
[ 60%] Built target ITKIOHDF5
[ 60%] Built target ITKIOHDF5-all
[ 61%] Built target itkjpeg
[ 61%] Built target ITKJPEG-all
[ 61%] Built target ITKIOJPEG
[ 61%] Built target ITKIOJPEG-all
[ 61%] Built target itkmkg3states
[ 62%] Built target itktiff
[ 62%] Built target ITKTIFF-all
[ 62%] Built target ITKIOTIFF
[ 62%] Built target ITKIOTIFF-all
[ 62%] Built target ITKIOLSM
[ 62%] Built target ITKIOLSM-all
[ 63%] Built target ITKIOMesh
[ 63%] Built target ITKIOMesh-all
[ 63%] Built target ITKIOMeta
[ 63%] Built target ITKIOMeta-all
[ 63%] Built target ITKIONIFTI
[ 63%] Built target ITKIONIFTI-all
[ 64%] Built target ITKNrrdIO
[ 64%] Built target ITKNrrdIO-all
[ 64%] Built target ITKIONRRD
[ 64%] Built target ITKIONRRD-all
[ 64%] Built target itkpng
[ 64%] Built target ITKPNG-all
[ 64%] Built target ITKIOPNG
[ 64%] Built target ITKIOPNG-all
[ 64%] Built target ITKIORAW-all
[ 64%] Built target ITKIOSiemens
[ 64%] Built target ITKIOSiemens-all
[ 64%] Built target ITKIOStimulate
[ 64%] Built target ITKIOStimulate-all
[ 64%] Built target ITKIOTransformBase
[ 64%] Built target ITKIOTransformBase-all
[ 64%] Built target ITKIOTransformHDF5
[ 64%] Built target ITKIOTransformHDF5-all
[ 65%] Built target ITKIOTransformInsightLegacy
[ 65%] Built target ITKIOTransformInsightLegacy-all
[ 65%] Built target ITKIOTransformMatlab
[ 65%] Built target ITKIOTransformMatlab-all
[ 65%] Built target ITKIOVTK
[ 65%] Built target ITKIOVTK-all
[ 65%] Built target ITKImageFusion-all
[ 65%] Built target ITKIntegratedTest-all
[ 65%] Built target ITKKLMRegionGrowing
[ 65%] Built target ITKKLMRegionGrowing-all
[ 65%] Built target ITKLabelVoting-all
[ 65%] Built target ITKLevelSetsv4-all
[ 65%] Built target ITKMarkovRandomFieldsClassifiers-all
[ 65%] Built target ITKOptimizersv4
[ 65%] Built target ITKOptimizersv4-all
[ 65%] Built target ITKMetricsv4-all
[ 65%] Built target ITKNeuralNetworks-all
[ 66%] Built target itkopenjpeg
[ 66%] Built target ITKOpenJPEG-all
[ 66%] Built target ITKQuadEdgeMeshFiltering-all
[ 66%] Built target ITKRegionGrowing-all
[ 66%] Built target ITKRegistrationMethodsv4-all
[ 66%] Built target ITKSpatialFunction-all
[ 66%] Built target ITKVTK
[ 66%] Built target ITKVTK-all
[ 66%] Built target ITKVoronoi-all
[ 66%] Built target ITKWatersheds
[ 66%] Built target ITKWatersheds-all
[ 67%] Built target ITKReview
[ 67%] Built target ITKReview-all
[ 67%] Built target itkTestDriver
[ 67%] Built target ITKTestKernel-all
[ 67%] Built target ITKVideoCore
[ 67%] Built target ITKVideoCore-all
[ 67%] Built target ITKVideoFiltering-all
[ 67%] Built target ITKVideoIO
[ 67%] Built target ITKVideoIO-all
[ 67%] Built target MRC2000IO
[ 72%] Built target python
[ 74%] Built target boost
[ 74%] Building CXX object
Building Seg3D returned an error
Either the code failed to build properly or
the testing programs failed to complete without
every single test program passing the test.
- [Seg3D] Error building revision 1994 for linux Ubuntu 13.04, Ramón Casero Cañas, 03/10/2014
Archive powered by MHonArc 2.6.18.