Just to clarify the question: if I understand correctly, you have an MRI volume from this site that is a series of images, which you're importing into Seg3D and the images are displayed out of order? Are you using the "Import from image series" option under the File menu to import the files? Are these files named in a specific order (ex. "Filename_001.tiff","Filename_002.tiff", ...)? If so, Seg3D will read them in the order the files are named. If this is the incorrect order, the only solution I can think of right now is to renumber the file names. Hope this helps!
Best wishes,
Paul Holcomb
Hello,I have some MRI to work on seg3d, but the problem is that the data is organized in different files. So, when the data is imported to seg3d, it has not an orderI would like to know how can i import images organized in files to seg3d. I attach the webpage where I got the MRI. I hope your nearly answer.Thanks,
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