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Re: [SCIRUN-USERS] Biomesh3D resulting mesh shifted

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Petar Petrov <>
  • To: Jess Tate <>
  • Cc: Brett Burton <>, Hon Fai Choi <>, "" <>
  • Subject: Re: [SCIRUN-USERS] Biomesh3D resulting mesh shifted
  • Date: Sat, 31 May 2014 11:55:07 +0200

There are two parameters in the parameter file that
control the sizing field
if you are referring to MAX_SIZING_FIELD and SIZING_SCALE_VAR, only
the first one is accepted !
So in practice there is one parameter, which is: MAX_SIZING_FIELD.
I'm working on my own version of BioMesh3D and planning to introduce
MAX_SIZING_FIELD not as a scalar but as a gradient to better control
adaptive nature of the mesh.

As it stands it is barely useful for my meshes (human/rat brain) as
Stage6 is a huge!!! bottleneck ... it takes week for 1process to

On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 8:31 PM, Jess Tate <> wrote:
> Hi,
> There are two parameters in the parameter file that control
> the sizing field, which influences the size of the mesh elements.
> Increasing either of these should increase the size of the elements.
> However, there is an additional consideration, since the smallest elements
> are supposed to be there to represent small features. If you want to
> increase the minimum size of the elements, you will lose some of these
> features. If you are ok with that, the easiest way to increase the element
> size is to smooth the original segmentation or downsample it. downsampling
> will also speed up the entire pipeline.
> cheers,
> Jess
> On May 30, 2014, at 10:27 AM, Brett Burton <> wrote:
>> Hon,
>> There is a .tf parser in the C++ code that runs in the background of the
>> python scripts. About 2 weeks ago, I also tried to figure this out, but I
>> am much more skilled in SCIRun, so I gave up and transformed it using
>> SCIRun. We could probably figure this out in a day or two and it would
>> also probably be better, let me talk to Jess about it.
>> Sizing field min value scaling:
>> The parameters in the BioMesh config file does not allow for a minimum
>> size restriction, but you can control this by altering your sizing field
>> files ([YourFile]_sf.nrrd]). You can use SCIRun to open this sizing field
>> file (ReadField module with the nrrd filetype selected). Then use the
>> CalculateFieldData module. In the UI of this module you can scale and
>> translate the sizing field data. For example, lets say your sizing field
>> goes from 0.5 to 12. You can use a statement like DATA = DATA+2; to get
>> your new sizing field to run from 2.5 to 14. You can then save this file
>> out again as a nrrd and replace the sizing field in your BioMesh output
>> folder. I've attached a network as an example. If you have multiple
>> materials, you may want to run this network multiple times, or duplicate
>> the modules within the network.
>> Brett
>> <ChangeSizingField.srn><Heart_sf.nrrd>
>> On May 30, 2014, at 2:19 AM, Hon Fai Choi <> wrote:
>>> Hi Jess and Brett,
>>> thank you very much for the suggestions. The shift that I have is
>>> quite large, I have attached a picture as illustration. Could you also
>>> tell me how I can read the .tf file? I tried to open it with Wordpad,
>>> but it seems to be a binary file.
>>> I have also an additional question regarding BioMesh3D. Is there a way
>>> that I can put a threshold on the minimal size of the mesh elements? I
>>> have followed the user documentation and the input parameter for the
>>> element size seems to only limit the maximal size of the elements.
>>> thanks,
>>> Hon Fai
>>> On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 8:51 PM, Brett Burton <> wrote:
>>>> Like Jess implied, Biomesh transforms the original segmentation into a
>>>> different coordinate space in order to generate the original mesh.
>>>> during this first transformation, it creates a transformation file
>>>> ([FileName] It uses this transform to shift the
>>>> heart back, but as you may notice by the name of the .tf file, Biomesh
>>>> also pads your data. If you are finding that this shift is very slight,
>>>> it is probably due to the padding. Jess's approach will work, in both
>>>> cases, to get you aligned again.
>>>> Let us know if you have further questions
>>>> Brett
>>>> On May 29, 2014, at 12:38 PM, Jess Tate <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> BioMesh should transform the final mesh back into the original space.
>>>>> Look for the particle-union.tets-labeled_transformed.fld file. If it
>>>>> is not there, then the last step didn't finish. If the file is not
>>>>> there or is still the wrong size or origin, you can fix it pretty
>>>>> easily in SCIRun. Load in the mesh and original segmentation. extract
>>>>> the surface of one of the regions in the segmentation (or all of them)
>>>>> with GetDomainBoundary. Then use SplitFieldByConnectedRegion or
>>>>> SplitFieldByDomain to remove any excess space around the tet mesh from
>>>>> BioMesh. Then use AlignMeshBoundingBox to align the tet mesh to the
>>>>> segmentation surface. This module will also give you the
>>>>> transformation used if need for other meshes.
>>>>> cheers,
>>>>> Jess
>>>>> On May 29, 2014, at 2:55 AM, Hon Fai Choi wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I have a question regarding Biomesh3D. I use Seg3D to create the
>>>>>> segmentations and save them as .nrrd files as input to Biomesh3D. When
>>>>>> I export the resulting mesh with SciRun as a .vtk file and compare it
>>>>>> with the original image, then the mesh is not in the right location.
>>>>>> It's somehow shifted relative to where it should be. Has anyone
>>>>>> encountered the same problem and knows how to fix this?
>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>> Hon Fai
>>> <shifted_mesh.png>

All the best,
Petar Petrov

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