- From: Jess Tate <jess@sci.utah.edu>
- To: seg3d@sci.utah.edu
- Cc: "S.M. Reza Rafieipour Alavi" <Seyed.RafieipourAlavi@unb.ca>
- Subject: Re: [Seg3D] problems importing MRI slices
- Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 13:13:04 -0600
If your slices are different sizes, Seg3D will not be able to open them
together. You could potentially load them in separately and combine them.
On Jul 31, 2015, at 1:10 PM, Gordon Duffley <gduff92@gmail.com> wrote:
If you want to load it as a volume, then you want to use “Import Layer From
Image Series”. My guess is that you actually have DICOMs from multiple
image sequences in that folder, but I can’t be sure. If that’s not the
case, and you can load the DICOMs into another software program, you could
just export it as a supported image volume and load that into Seg3D.
> On Jul 31, 2015, at 1:06 PM, S.M. Reza Rafieipour Alavi
> <Seyed.RafieipourAlavi@unb.ca> wrote:
> Also when I used "Import Layer From Single File" it says Image in the
> serie have different sizes. However, I can open the same file with other
> softwares
> ________________________________________
> From: S.M. Reza Rafieipour Alavi
> Sent: Friday, July 31, 2015 4:03 PM
> To: Gordon Duffley
> Subject: Re: [Seg3D] problems importing MRI slices
> I have used both "Import Layer From Image Series" and "Import Layer From
> Single File". No I have not tried an older version yet.
> Reza
> ________________________________________
> From: Gordon Duffley <gduff92@gmail.com>
> Sent: Friday, July 31, 2015 3:55 PM
> To: S.M. Reza Rafieipour Alavi
> Cc: seg3d@sci.utah.edu
> Subject: Re: [Seg3D] problems importing MRI slices
> I assume you are using the “Import Layer From Image Series” option under
> the menu tab. Have you tried loading the stack in an older version of
> Seg3D?
> Gordon
>> On Jul 31, 2015, at 12:48 PM, S.M. Reza Rafieipour Alavi
>> <Seyed.RafieipourAlavi@unb.ca> wrote:
>> Hello Gordon,
>> It is Seg3D 2.2.1, and yes the files are DICOMs. As I hit the Import
>> button on Layer Importer Widget window, after a short while, it gives an
>> error massage of "Layer Importer Failed to Distract the...". So, I do not
>> know how to open up my DICOM files.
>> Thanks,
>> Reza
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Gordon Duffley <gduff92@gmail.com>
>> Sent: Friday, July 31, 2015 3:38 PM
>> To: seg3d@sci.utah.edu
>> Cc: S.M. Reza Rafieipour Alavi
>> Subject: Re: [Seg3D] problems importing MRI slices
>> Hi Reza,
>> You are going to need to include a lot more detail if you want any help.
>> Are the files DICOMs? What version of Seg3D are you using?
>> Cheers,
>> Gordon
>> On Fri, 2015-07-31 at 12:34 -0600, Elizabeth Jurrus wrote:
>>> Hi Reza,
>>> Forwarding your question onto our mailing list.
>>> --------
>>> Message: Hi, I have difficulty imorting MRI slices into the software.
>>> I need to know why it fails when I try to open the files in Seg3D.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Reza
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