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- From: tom fogal <tfogal@sci.utah.edu>
- To: iv3d-users@sci.utah.edu
- Subject: [IV3D-USERS] Re: Re: Re: ImageVis3D
- Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 10:18:49 -0700
Dženan ZukiÄ <dzenanz@gmail.com> writes:
Hi Tom,
is there some reason for lack of support for
Yes, you haven't contributed a converter for it ;)
See "Getting Data Into ImageVis3D" for more information on how to do
It is the preferred format (from what I can tell) for ITK
<http://itk.org>community. Although ITK itself supports NRRD, and
can convert between its supported formats, I think MetaImage is
widespread enough that you would want to support it.
We do of course want to support every format that people in the
community utilize, but we live in a bubble of sorts and which formats
are `popular' isn't readily available. User-contributed converters are
*very* much welcome; part of the reason we wrote the above manual was
to facilitate that.
All that said, I'll add MetaImage to my todo list...
On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 00:15, tom fogal <tfogal@sci.utah.edu> wrote:
> Hi Max,
> Maxence Le Vasseur <maxencelevasseur@hotmail.com> writes:
> > I converted my images in TIFF and created a Z-stack of tiff images
> > (in a single file).
> Oooh, ouch. Due to an impedance mismatch between how TIFF stores 3D
> data and how we store 3D data, 3D TIFFs are probably the worst format
> to put your data in, because accessing it is so slow. See the "Getting
> Data Into ImageVis3D" manual for detailed information:
> http://ci.sci.utah.edu:8011/devbuilds/GettingDataIntoImageVis3D.pdf
> As a quick fix: a series of 2D TIFFs, and then loading from a directory
> instead of a file would probably work better.
> > I was able to open and convert some stacks using ImageVis3D but now
> > it seems impossible to do so. Everytime I try to convert a stack the
> > software crashes for no apparent reason.
> >
> > I was wondering if someone in your team had faced a similar problem
> > in the past and if you had found a way around it.
> The 3D TIFF converter was written for a specific collaboration, and I
> experienced a lot of difficulty finding sample data on the web. Thus
> I'm not surprised if there are lurking issues; can't fix what I can't
> reproduce :)
> I'd very much like to fix said lurking issues, though. Could you use
> the "Report an Issue" feature (under Help) and attach one of the TIFFs
> which is failing to load, please?
> As a workaround to get you going ASAP, I'd bet the series-of-2D-TIFFs
> is your easiest route, since you're already familiar with TIFFs. The
> QVis, NRRD, BOV, and (of course) raw formats can be pretty easy too.
> Thanks,
> -tom
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