you are joking right? if you want a stable version download the thing that is called "RELEASE"!! That is perfectly stable any release version that we shipped can read and write files from any other release. I don't see a problem with our release process, it is a "download the installer here, click once install and wait till it's finished process" sounds very simple to me. Now, if you decide to download an unstable nightly build (notice the words: "unstable, nightly build") anything can happen. With those versions literally anything can happen, they might even erase your entire hard-drive. That is the nature of an unstable nightly build, it is actually the definition. If this does not work for you: do not touch them! Next if you think you are an experienced developer and you want to compile the system form source then you can either: Compile the sources of the last release (RTFM about how to grab a certain version from SVN) or you download the latest version but than again anything can happen. Complaining that a random SVN version (other than a release) behaves strange is utter nonsense. Again, by definition the latest head version may not even compile. Finally, if (for whatever reason) you are not willing to follow our suggestions on how to compile 3rd party libraries properly (e.g. by using the differnt build arguments or using a different version of Qt) you are of course on your own. Certainly, you are invited to present your experience but don't expect thing to work if you do them differently from what we recommend.
Thats why its called "open source" if you want something that is not there yet, go ahead and implemented it. We and our collaborators never needed the features you proposed. But if you implemented them properly and want to make them available under a license that is compatible with IV3D then we are happy to consider them for inclusion in the project. Cheers Jens |
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