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[Seg3D] Re: New Spline Tool

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Ramón Casero Cañas <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [Seg3D] Re: New Spline Tool
  • Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 22:15:35 +0100

Ramón Casero Cañas wrote:

1) Sorting seed points


So what we need is a tool that allows us to add new _unsorted_ seeds on the 3D annulus. Every time you add a new seed, the application sorts them for you to create the 3D loop.

Hi all,

I have implemented a new tool that extends the Polyline Tool functionality by allowing to select the method of sorting the seeds:

 * "Clicking", the traditional one, in the same order they are clicked
 * "Azimuth", in increasing order of azimuth angle

I have attached the patch, in case somebody wants to play with it.

The next thing I need to do is create a button similar to "Fill", but that instead of setting to true the label voxels within the polygon projection, it sets to true the voxels close to the polygon lines.

Eventually, I would like to replace the polygon lines by a spline curve. Does anybody have any suggestions on how to do this? I know almost nothing about OpenGL.

Best regards,


Ramón Casero Cañas, DPhil

Computational Biology, Computing Laboratory
University of Oxford
Wolfson Building, Parks Rd
Oxford OX1 3QD

tlf     +44 (0) 1865 610807
Index: src/CMake/FindOpenGL.cmake
--- src/CMake/FindOpenGL.cmake	(revision 44506)
+++ src/CMake/FindOpenGL.cmake	(working copy)
@@ -106,14 +106,26 @@
+# ramc: patch suggested by Kristen Zygmunt to fix error at build time
+#    NAMES GL MesaGL
+#    PATHS /usr/lib
+#          /usr/local/lib
+#          /opt/graphics/OpenGL/lib
+#          /usr/openwin/lib
+#          /usr/X11R6/lib
+#          /usr/shlib
+#  )
-    NAMES GL MesaGL
-    PATHS /usr/lib
-          /usr/local/lib
-          /opt/graphics/OpenGL/lib
-          /usr/openwin/lib
-          /usr/X11R6/lib
-          /usr/shlib
+                 /usr/lib
+                 /usr/local/lib
+                 /opt/graphics/OpenGL/lib
+                 /usr/openwin/lib
+                 /usr/X11R6/lib
+                 /usr/shlib
+                /usr/lib32
   # On Unix OpenGL most certainly always requires X11.
Index: src/Applications/Seg3D/
--- src/Applications/Seg3D/	(revision 44506)
+++ src/Applications/Seg3D/	(working copy)
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
 #include <Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/movescaletoolpanel.h>
 #include <Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/optionlessfilter.h>
 #include <Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/polylinetoolpanel.h>
+#include <Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/splinetoolpanel.h>
 #include <Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/resampletool.h>
 #include <Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/thresholdtoolpanel.h>
 #include <Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/windowleveltoolpanel.h>
@@ -142,6 +143,7 @@
   EVT_MENU(MENU_TOOL_INVERT, Seg3DFrame::ToolInvert)
   EVT_MENU(MENU_TOOL_RESAMPLE, Seg3DFrame::ToolResample)
   EVT_MENU(MENU_TOOL_POLYLINE, Seg3DFrame::ToolPolyline)
+  EVT_MENU(MENU_TOOL_SPLINE, Seg3DFrame::ToolSpline)
   EVT_MENU(MENU_TOOL_THRESHOLD, Seg3DFrame::ToolThreshold)
@@ -282,6 +284,11 @@
   tools_sizer->Show(polylinetoolpanel_, false);
+  splinetoolpanel_ = new SplineToolPanel(toolsPanel_);
+  tools_sizer->Add(splinetoolpanel_, 0, 0, 0);
+  tools_sizer->Show(splinetoolpanel_, false);
+  tools_sizer->Layout();
   thresholdtoolpanel_ = new ThresholdToolPanel(toolsPanel_);
   tools_sizer->Add(thresholdtoolpanel_, 0, 0, 0);
   tools_sizer->Show(thresholdtoolpanel_, false);
@@ -456,6 +463,7 @@
   winMenu->Append(MENU_TOOL_INVERT, _T("&Invert Tool"));
   winMenu->Append(MENU_TOOL_RESAMPLE, _T("&Resample Tool"));
   winMenu->Append(MENU_TOOL_POLYLINE, _T("&Polyline Tool"));
+  winMenu->Append(MENU_TOOL_SPLINE, _T("&Spline Tool"));
   winMenu->Append(MENU_TOOL_THRESHOLD, _T("&Threshold Tool"));
   winMenu->Append(MENU_TOOL_WINDOWLEVEL, _T("&Window/Level Tool"));
   winMenu->Append(MENU_TOOL_MOVESCALE, _T("&Move/Scale Tool"));
@@ -1381,6 +1389,12 @@
+Seg3DFrame::ToolSpline( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
+  ShowTool(splinetoolpanel_, "Painter::StartSplineTool", "Spline Tool");
 Seg3DFrame::ToolThreshold( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
Index: src/Applications/Seg3D/SplineTool.h
--- src/Applications/Seg3D/SplineTool.h	(revision 0)
+++ src/Applications/Seg3D/SplineTool.h	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+//    File   : SplineTool.h
+//    Author : Ramon Casero
+//    Date   : Oct 2009
+#ifndef SEG3D_SplineTool_h
+#define SEG3D_SplineTool_h
+#include <sci_defs/insight_defs.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <Core/Events/BaseTool.h>
+namespace SCIRun {
+class Painter;
+class NrrdVolume;
+class SplineTool : public virtual BaseTool, public PointerTool
+  SplineTool(const string &name, Painter *painter);
+  propagation_state_e   pointer_down(int, int, int, unsigned int, int);
+  propagation_state_e   pointer_up(int, int, int, unsigned int, int);
+  propagation_state_e   pointer_motion(int, int, int, unsigned int, int);
+  propagation_state_e   process_event(event_handle_t);
+  virtual propagation_state_e   run_filter(bool erase);
+  typedef vector<Point> seeds_t;
+  virtual void  draw_gl(SliceWindow &window);
+  virtual void	seed_change_callback(int index);
+  virtual int   compute_nearest_segment_index(const Point &curpos, int axis);
+  void                  compute_bbox(const vector<vector<float> > &seeds,
+                                     float &x0, float &y0,
+                                     float &x1, float &y1);
+  bool                  check_on_boundary(const vector<vector<float> > &seeds,
+                                          float x, float y);
+  bool                  check_crossings(const vector<vector<float> > &seeds,
+                                        float x, float y);
+  void                  rasterize(NrrdDataHandle dnrrd, unsigned int dlabel,
+                                  NrrdDataHandle mnrrd, unsigned int mlabel,
+                                  const vector<vector<float> > &seeds,
+                                  bool erase);
+  void                  sort_seeds(string method);
+  Painter *             painter_;
+  seeds_t               seeds_;
+  ThreadLock            seed_lock_;
+  // For 2D seed operations, do the operation where the seed was put.
+  SliceWindow          *last_seed_window_;
+  int                   last_seed_index_;
+  seeds_t               drag_seeds_;
+  Point                 drag_point_;
+  string                sort_;
+#endif // SplineTool_h
Index: src/Applications/Seg3D/
--- src/Applications/Seg3D/	(revision 0)
+++ src/Applications/Seg3D/	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+//    File   :
+//    Author : Ramon Casero
+//    Date   : Tue Oct 13 20:49:00 2009
+#include <Applications/Seg3D/Painter.h>
+#include <Applications/Seg3D/SplineTool.h>
+#include <Core/Geometry/CompGeom.h>
+#include <Core/Events/keysyms.h>
+#include <sci_gl.h>
+namespace SCIRun {
+SplineTool(const string &name, Painter *painter) :
+  BaseTool(name),
+  PointerTool(name),
+  painter_(painter),
+  seeds_(),
+  seed_lock_("SplineTool"),
+  last_seed_window_(NULL),
+  last_seed_index_(-1),
+  sort_("Clicking")
+ * pointer_down(): process event when mouse button is clicked (only
+ * the click itself, not when the button is being held down)
+ *
+ *   b:   which button has been clicked
+ *   x:   x-coordinate of pointer
+ *   y:   y-coordinate of pointer
+ *   m:   modifiers (e.g. CTRL key pressed)
+ *   t:   time
+ **/
+SplineTool::pointer_down(int b, int x, int y, unsigned int m, int t)
+  // don't do anything if there's no active volume loaded
+  if (!painter_->current_volume_.get_rep()) {
+    painter_->set_status("Spline Tool requires an active volume.");
+    return STOP_E;
+  }
+  if (m & EventModifiers::SHIFT_E) { return CONTINUE_E; }
+  last_seed_index_ = -1;
+  if (m & EventModifiers::CONTROL_E)
+  {
+    // Drag all the points.
+    seed_lock_.lock();
+    drag_seeds_ = seeds_;
+    seed_lock_.unlock();
+    drag_point_ = painter_->pointer_pos_;
+    return STOP_E;
+  }
+  else if (b == 1)
+  {
+    // Add a new seed point.
+    seed_lock_.lock();
+    last_seed_window_ = painter_->cur_window_;
+    seeds_.push_back(painter_->pointer_pos_);
+    last_seed_index_ = seeds_.size() - 1;
+    sort_seeds(sort_);
+    seed_change_callback(last_seed_index_);
+    seed_lock_.unlock();
+    painter_->redraw_all();
+    return STOP_E;
+  }
+  else if (b == 3 && seeds_.size())
+  {
+    // Change an existing seed point.
+    seed_lock_.lock();
+    last_seed_window_ = painter_->cur_window_;
+    const double max_dist2_to_check = 25.0;
+    double mind2 = max_dist2_to_check + 1.0;
+    const int axis = last_seed_window_->axis_;
+    Point curpos = painter_->pointer_pos_;
+    curpos(axis) = 0.0;
+    const Point sppos = last_seed_window_->world_to_screen(curpos);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < seeds_.size(); i++)
+    {
+      Point seed = seeds_[i];
+      seed(axis) = 0.0;
+      const double d2 =
+        (last_seed_window_->world_to_screen(seed) - sppos).length2();
+      if (d2 < mind2 && d2 < max_dist2_to_check)
+      {
+        mind2 = d2;
+        last_seed_index_ = i;
+      }
+    }
+    if (last_seed_index_ != -1)
+    {
+      const double axval = seeds_[last_seed_index_](axis);
+      seeds_[last_seed_index_] = painter_->pointer_pos_;
+      seeds_[last_seed_index_](axis) = axval;
+      seed_change_callback(last_seed_index_);
+    }
+    else if (seeds_.size() > 1)
+    {
+      last_seed_index_ = compute_nearest_segment_index(curpos, axis);
+      if (last_seed_index_ != -1)
+      {
+        seeds_.insert(seeds_.begin() + last_seed_index_,
+                      painter_->pointer_pos_);
+        seed_change_callback(-2);
+      }
+    }
+    sort_seeds(sort_);
+    seed_lock_.unlock();
+    painter_->redraw_all();
+    return STOP_E;
+  }
+  else if (b == 2 && seeds_.size())
+  {
+    // Erase an existing seed point.
+    seed_lock_.lock();
+    last_seed_window_ = painter_->cur_window_;
+    const double max_dist2_to_check = 25.0;
+    double mind2 = max_dist2_to_check + 1.0;
+    const int axis = last_seed_window_->axis_;
+    Point curpos = painter_->pointer_pos_;
+    curpos(axis) = 0.0;
+    const Point sppos = last_seed_window_->world_to_screen(curpos);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < seeds_.size(); i++)
+    {
+      Point seed = seeds_[i];
+      seed(axis) = 0.0;
+      const double d2 =
+        (last_seed_window_->world_to_screen(seed) - sppos).length2();
+      if (d2 < mind2 && d2 < max_dist2_to_check)
+      {
+        mind2 = d2;
+        last_seed_index_ = i;
+      }
+    }
+    if (last_seed_index_ != -1)
+    {
+      seeds_.erase(seeds_.begin() + last_seed_index_);
+      last_seed_index_ = -1;
+      seed_change_callback(-1);
+    }
+    sort_seeds(sort_);
+    seed_lock_.unlock();
+    painter_->redraw_all();
+    return STOP_E;
+  }
+  return CONTINUE_E;;
+SplineTool::compute_nearest_segment_index(const Point &curpos, int axis)
+  // No seed point near.  Check for insertion of new point into an
+  // existing line segment.
+  int index = -1;
+  const double max_dist2_to_check = 25.0;
+  double mind2 = max_dist2_to_check + 1.0;
+  const Point sppos = last_seed_window_->world_to_screen(curpos);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < seeds_.size(); i++)
+  {
+    const size_t j = (i + 1) % seeds_.size();
+    Point seedi = seeds_[i];
+    Point seedj = seeds_[j];
+    seedi(axis) = 0.0;
+    seedj(axis) = 0.0;
+    const Point sseedi = last_seed_window_->world_to_screen(seedi);
+    const Point sseedj = last_seed_window_->world_to_screen(seedj);
+    const double d2 = distance_to_line2(sppos, sseedi, sseedj);
+    if (d2 < mind2 && d2 < max_dist2_to_check)
+    {
+      mind2 = d2;
+      index = i+1;
+    }
+  }
+  return index;
+SplineTool::pointer_motion(int b, int x, int y, unsigned int m, int t)
+  if (last_seed_index_ != -1)
+  {
+    seed_lock_.lock();
+    const int axis = last_seed_window_->axis_;
+    const double axval = seeds_[last_seed_index_](axis);
+    seeds_[last_seed_index_] = painter_->pointer_pos_;
+    seeds_[last_seed_index_](axis) = axval;
+    seed_change_callback(last_seed_index_);
+    seed_lock_.unlock();
+    painter_->redraw_all();
+    return STOP_E;
+  }
+  else if (drag_seeds_.size())
+  {
+    seed_lock_.lock();
+    Vector offset = painter_->pointer_pos_ - drag_point_;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < seeds_.size(); i++)
+    {
+      seeds_[i] = drag_seeds_[i] + offset;
+      seed_change_callback(-3);
+    }
+    seed_lock_.unlock();
+    painter_->redraw_all();
+    return STOP_E;
+  }
+  return CONTINUE_E;
+ * pointer_up(): process event when mouse button is released (only at
+ * the moment of release, not when button is left unpressed)
+ *
+ *   b:   which button has been clicked
+ *   x:   x-coordinate of pointer
+ *   y:   y-coordinate of pointer
+ *   m:   modifiers (e.g. CTRL key pressed)
+ *   t:   time
+ **/
+SplineTool::pointer_up(int b, int x, int y, unsigned int m, int t)
+  // don't do anything if there's no active volume loaded
+  if (!painter_->current_volume_.get_rep()) {
+    painter_->set_status("Spline Tool requires an active volume.");
+    return STOP_E;
+  }
+  last_seed_index_ = -1;
+  drag_seeds_.clear();
+  return CONTINUE_E;
+SplineTool::process_event(event_handle_t event)
+  //RedrawSliceWindowEvent
+  RedrawSliceWindowEvent *redraw = 
+    dynamic_cast<RedrawSliceWindowEvent *>(event.get_rep());
+  if (redraw) {
+    draw_gl(redraw->get_window());
+  }
+  if (dynamic_cast<SetLayerEvent *>(event.get_rep())) {
+    seed_lock_.lock();
+    seeds_.clear();
+    seed_change_callback(-4);
+    seed_lock_.unlock();
+    painter_->redraw_all();
+  }
+  if (dynamic_cast<FinishEvent *>(event.get_rep())) {
+    const bool erase =
+      painter_->get_vars()->get_bool("Painter::splinetool_erase");
+    return run_filter(erase);
+  }
+  // KeyEvent
+  KeyEvent *keyevent = dynamic_cast<KeyEvent *>(event.get_rep());
+  if (keyevent && keyevent->get_keyval() == SCIRun_f)
+  {
+    return run_filter(false);
+  }
+  if (keyevent && keyevent->get_keyval() == SCIRun_BackSpace)
+  {
+    // delete last point placed
+    seed_lock_.lock();
+    last_seed_window_ = painter_->cur_window_;
+    int sz = seeds_.size();
+    if (sz > 0)
+    {
+      last_seed_index_ = sz - 1;
+      seeds_.erase(seeds_.begin() + last_seed_index_);
+      seed_change_callback(last_seed_index_);
+      last_seed_index_ = last_seed_index_ - 1;
+      sort_seeds( sort_ );
+    }
+    seed_lock_.unlock();
+    painter_->redraw_all();
+    return STOP_E;
+  }
+  // UpdateSplineToolEvent
+  UpdateSplineToolEvent *rchange =
+    dynamic_cast<UpdateSplineToolEvent *>(event.get_rep());
+  if (rchange)
+  {
+    const string sort = (string)rchange->get_sort();
+    sort_ = sort;
+    sort_seeds( sort_ );
+    painter_->redraw_all();
+  }
+  // return
+  return CONTINUE_E;
+SplineTool::draw_gl(SliceWindow &window)
+  size_t i;
+  // Transform the seeds into window space.
+  seed_lock_.lock();
+  vector<Point> points = seeds_;
+  seed_lock_.unlock();
+  // Set the color (cyan)
+  glColor4f(0.3, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+  // Draw the line loop.
+  glLineWidth(2.0);
+  glBegin(GL_LINES);
+  {
+    for (i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
+    {
+      glVertex3d(points[i].x(), points[i].y(), points[i].z());
+      if (i > 0 && i < points.size()-1)
+      {
+        glVertex3d(points[i].x(), points[i].y(), points[i].z());
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  glEnd();
+  glLineWidth(1.0);
+  // Draw the implicit close with a different appearance.
+  if (points.size() > 2)
+  {
+    // TODO: Stipple this one.
+    glBegin(GL_LINES);
+    glVertex3d(points[points.size()-1].x(), 
+	       points[points.size()-1].y(), 
+	       points[points.size()-1].z());
+    glVertex3d(points[0].x(), points[0].y(), points[0].z());
+    glEnd();
+  }
+  // Draw the control points.
+  glPointSize(4.0);
+  glBegin(GL_POINTS);
+  for (i = 0; i < points.size(); i++)
+  {
+    glVertex3d(points[i].x(), points[i].y(), points[i].z());
+  }
+  glEnd();
+  glPointSize(1.0);
+SplineTool::seed_change_callback(int index)
+SplineTool::run_filter(bool erase)
+  if (!painter_->check_for_active_label_volume("Spline fill"))
+  {
+    return STOP_E;
+  }
+  if (seeds_.size() == 0)
+  {
+    painter_->set_status("No spline to rasterize.");
+    return STOP_E;
+  }
+  painter_->volume_lock_.lock();
+  // Get the current volume.
+  NrrdVolumeHandle &vol = painter_->current_volume_;
+  vol->lock.lock();
+  if (last_seed_window_ == NULL) return STOP_E;
+  // Get the slice.
+  SliceWindow *window = last_seed_window_;
+  SLIVR::Plane plane(SLIVR::Point(window->center_.x(), window->center_.y(),
+    window->center_.z()), SLIVR::Vector(window->normal_.x(),
+    window->normal_.y(),window->normal_.z()));
+  VolumeSliceHandle slice = vol->get_volume_slice(plane);
+  NrrdDataHandle cnrrd = slice->nrrd_handle_;
+  unsigned int clabel = vol->label_;
+  // Get the mask slice if it's set.
+  VolumeSliceHandle mask_slice;
+  unsigned int mlabel = 0;
+  NrrdDataHandle mnrrd;
+  if (painter_->check_for_valid_mask("Spline fill"))
+  {
+    mask_slice = painter_->mask_volume_->get_volume_slice(plane);
+    mnrrd = mask_slice->nrrd_handle_;
+    mlabel = painter_->mask_volume_->label_;
+  }
+  vol->lock.unlock();
+  painter_->volume_lock_.unlock();
+  // No slice, nothing to do.
+  if (!slice.get_rep()) {
+    return CONTINUE_E;
+  }
+  const int axis = slice->get_axis();
+  vector<vector<float> > seeds;
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < seeds_.size(); i++)
+  {
+    vector<double> newseed = vol->point_to_index(seeds_[i]);
+    vector<float> newseedf;
+    for (size_t j = 0; j < newseed.size(); j++)
+    {
+      if (j != (size_t)axis) { newseedf.push_back(newseed[j] - 0.5); }
+    }
+    seeds.push_back(newseedf);
+  }
+  // Rasterize the spline here.
+  rasterize(cnrrd, clabel, mnrrd, mlabel, seeds, erase);
+  // Put this slice back.
+  painter_->volume_lock_.lock();
+  vol->lock.lock();
+  // Clear the content for nrrdSplice
+  if (vol->nrrd_handle_->nrrd_->content) {
+    vol->nrrd_handle_->nrrd_->content[0] = 0;
+  }
+  const vector<int> window_center = vol->world_to_index(window->center_);
+  NrrdDataHandle undoslice = new NrrdData();
+  nrrdSlice(undoslice->nrrd_, vol->nrrd_handle_->nrrd_,
+            axis, window_center[axis]);
+  if (nrrdSplice(vol->nrrd_handle_->nrrd_,
+                 vol->nrrd_handle_->nrrd_,
+                 slice->nrrd_handle_->nrrd_,
+                 axis, window_center[axis])) {
+    vol->lock.unlock();
+    painter_->volume_lock_.unlock();
+    char *err = biffGetDone(NRRD);
+    cerr << string("Error on line #") 
+         << to_string(__LINE__)
+         << string(" executing nrrd command: nrrdSplice \n")
+         << string("Message: ") 
+         << err
+         << std::endl;
+    free(err);
+    return QUIT_AND_STOP_E;
+  }
+  UndoHandle undo =
+    new UndoReplaceSlice(painter_,
+                         erase?"Undo Spline Erase":"Undo Spline Fill",
+                         vol, undoslice,
+                         (int)axis, window_center[axis]);
+  painter_->push_undo(undo);
+  // Clear the slice pointers.
+  slice = 0;
+  mask_slice = 0;
+  vol->set_dirty();
+  vol->lock.unlock();
+  painter_->volume_lock_.unlock();
+  painter_->extract_all_window_slices();
+  painter_->redraw_all();
+  return STOP_E;
+// Boundary conditions
+SplineTool::check_on_boundary(const vector<vector<float> > &seeds,
+                                float x, float y)
+  const float EPSILON = 1.e-6;
+  for (size_t i0 = 0; i0 < seeds.size(); i0++)
+  {
+    const size_t i1 = (i0+1)%seeds.size();
+    const float x0 = seeds[i0][1];
+    const float y0 = seeds[i0][2];
+    const float x1 = seeds[i1][1];
+    const float y1 = seeds[i1][2];
+    const float d = y0 - y1;
+    if (fabs(d) < EPSILON)
+    {
+      // parallel
+      if (fabs(y0-y) < EPSILON)
+      {
+        if (x0 < x1)
+        {
+          if (x > x0-EPSILON && x < x1+EPSILON) return true;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          if (x > x1-EPSILON && x < x0+EPSILON) return true;
+        }
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    else if (y0 < y1)
+    {
+      if (y < y0-EPSILON || y > y1+EPSILON) continue;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if (y < y1-EPSILON || y > y0+EPSILON) continue;
+    }
+    // On wrong side.
+    const float u = (x1 - x0) * (y0 - y) - (y1 - y0) * (x0 - x);
+    if (fabs(u) < 1.e-6) return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+SplineTool::check_crossings(const vector<vector<float> > &seeds,
+                              float x, float y)
+  const float EPSILON = 1.e-6;
+  int inside = 0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
+  {
+    int crosses = 0;
+    const float x3 = x;
+    const float y3 = y;
+    const float x4 = x + rand()%17 - 8;
+    const float y4 = y + rand()%17 - 8;
+    for (size_t i0 = 0; i0 < seeds.size(); i0++)
+    {
+      const size_t i1 = (i0+1)%seeds.size();
+      const float x1 = seeds[i0][1];
+      const float y1 = seeds[i0][2];
+      const float x2 = seeds[i1][1];
+      const float y2 = seeds[i1][2];
+      const float d = (y4 - y3) * (x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3) * (y2 - y1);
+      if (fabs(d) < EPSILON) continue; // parallel
+      const float u = ((x4 - x3) * (y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x3)) / d;
+      const float v = ((x2 - x1) * (y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3)) / d;
+      if (u < -EPSILON || u > 1+EPSILON) continue; // not on segment
+      if (v < -EPSILON) continue; // left
+      crosses++;
+    }
+    if (crosses & 1) inside++;
+  }
+  return (inside > 2);
+SplineTool::compute_bbox(const vector<vector<float> > &seeds,
+                           float &x0, float &y0, float &x1, float &y1)
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < seeds.size(); i++)
+  {
+    if (seeds[i][1] < x0) x0 = seeds[i][1];
+    if (seeds[i][1] > x1) x1 = seeds[i][1];
+    if (seeds[i][2] < y0) y0 = seeds[i][2];
+    if (seeds[i][2] > y1) y1 = seeds[i][2];
+  }
+SplineTool::rasterize(NrrdDataHandle dnrrd, unsigned int dlabel,
+                        NrrdDataHandle mnrrd, unsigned int mlabel,
+                        const vector<vector<float> > &seeds,
+                        bool erase)
+  // Set up the data pointers.
+  label_type *dstdata = (label_type *)dnrrd->nrrd_->data;
+  const bool masking = mnrrd.get_rep() != NULL;
+  label_type *mskdata = 0;
+  if (masking) { mskdata = (label_type *)mnrrd->nrrd_->data; }
+  const size_t isize = dnrrd->nrrd_->axis[1].size;
+  const size_t jsize = dnrrd->nrrd_->axis[2].size;
+  float x0 = (float)isize;
+  float y0 = (float)jsize;
+  float x1 = 0.0;
+  float y1 = 0.0;
+  compute_bbox(seeds, x0, y0, x1, y1);
+  int i0 = (int)floor(x0);
+  int j0 = (int)floor(y0);
+  int i1 = (int)ceil(x1) + 1;
+  int j1 = (int)ceil(y1) + 1;
+  if (i0 < 0) i0 = 0;
+  if (j0 < 0) j0 = 0;
+  if (i1 > (int)isize) i1 = (int)isize;
+  if (j1 > (int)jsize) j1 = (int)jsize;
+  for (int j = j0; j < j1; j++)
+  {
+    for (int i = i0; i < i1; i++)
+    {
+      if (!masking || (mskdata[j * isize + i] & mlabel))
+      {
+        // We're inside the polygon if we cross an odd number of line
+        // segments to get out.
+        if (check_crossings(seeds, (float)i, (float)j) ||
+            check_on_boundary(seeds, (float)i, (float)j))
+        {
+          if (erase)
+          {
+            dstdata[j * isize + i] &= ~dlabel;
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            dstdata[j * isize + i] |= dlabel;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Sort seeds using a certain method
+//   method: a string set up in the GUI, in the Spline Tool panel,
+//   using a radio box
+SplineTool::sort_seeds(string method)
+  if ( seeds_.size() < 4 || method == "Clicking" ) {
+    // if there are 3 or less seeds to sort,
+    //   then there's no need to sort them (any order gives the same polyline)
+    // if sorting method is "Clicking",
+    //   then seeds are stored as they are clicked, and there
+    //   shouldn't be any reordering
+    // clear status
+    painter_->set_status("");
+    return;
+  }
+  else if ( method == "Azimuth" ) {
+    // seeds get sorted in the order of their azimuth component
+    // clear status
+    painter_->set_status("");
+    // variables for this function
+    //    vector<double> phi( seeds_.size() ); 
+    Point centroid;                      // centroid of cloud of seeds
+    vector< pair<double, size_t> > 
+      phi( seeds_.size() );              // (azimuth-coordinate of seeds, index)
+    // compute centroid of all current seeds, as the average of the
+    // coordinates of all seeds
+    centroid[0] = 0.0; centroid[1] = 0.0; centroid[2] = 0.0;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < seeds_.size(); i++)
+    {
+      centroid += seeds_[i];
+    }
+    centroid /= seeds_.size();
+    // compute azimuth (one of the 3 speherical coordinates) for each
+    // seed, using the centroid as origin of coordinates
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < seeds_.size(); i++)
+    {
+      // azimuth coordinate: phi = atan2( y / x )
+      phi[i] = 
+	pair<double, size_t>(
+			     atan2(( seeds_[i][1] - centroid[1] ),
+				   ( seeds_[i][0] - centroid[0] )), // azimuth
+			     i );                                   // index
+    }
+    // TODO: check that there are no "nan"s in the resulting coordinates
+    // sort azimuth in increasing azimuth order; note that this
+    // automatically sorts the index vector too, so that we can apply
+    // the same order to another vector
+    std::sort( phi.begin(), phi.end() );
+    // apply the order found for azimuth values to the seeds vector
+    seed_lock_.lock();
+    vector<Point> sortedseeds = seeds_;
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < seeds_.size(); i++)
+    {
+      sortedseeds[i] = seeds_[phi[i].second];
+    }
+    seeds_ = sortedseeds;
+    seed_lock_.unlock();
+    return;
+  }
+  else { // this should never happen
+    painter_->set_status("Sort method \"" + method + "\" not implemented.");
+    return;
+  }
Index: src/Applications/Seg3D/
--- src/Applications/Seg3D/	(revision 44506)
+++ src/Applications/Seg3D/	(working copy)
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
 #include <Applications/Seg3D/FloodFillCopyTool.h>
 #include <Applications/Seg3D/LineTool.h>
 #include <Applications/Seg3D/PolylineTool.h>
+#include <Applications/Seg3D/SplineTool.h>
 #include <Applications/Seg3D/ThresholdTool.h>
 #include <Applications/Seg3D/WindowLevelTool.h>
 #include <Applications/Seg3D/LineTool.h>
@@ -132,6 +133,7 @@
+  REGISTER_CATCHER_TARGET(Painter::StartSplineTool);
@@ -208,11 +210,13 @@
+  REGISTER_CATCHER_TARGET(Painter::RasterSpline);
+  REGISTER_CATCHER_TARGET(Painter::UpdateSplineTool);
@@ -407,6 +411,14 @@
+Painter::StartSplineTool(event_handle_t &event)
+  tm_.set_tool(new SplineTool("SplineTool", this), 25);
+  return CONTINUE_E;
 Painter::StartResampleTool(event_handle_t &event)
@@ -1022,6 +1034,23 @@
+Painter::RasterSpline(event_handle_t &event)
+  SplineTool *tool =
+    dynamic_cast<SplineTool *>(tm_.get_tool(25).get_rep());
+  if (tool)
+  {
+    const bool erase = get_vars()->get_bool("Painter::splinetool_erase");
+    tool->run_filter(erase);
+  }
+  return CONTINUE_E;
 Painter::ResetCLUT(event_handle_t &event)
@@ -1063,6 +1092,18 @@
+Painter::UpdateSplineTool(event_handle_t &event)
+  const string sort =
+    get_vars()->get_string("Painter::splinetool_sort");
+  event_handle_t sevent =
+    new SCIRun::UpdateSplineToolEvent(sort);
+  tm_.propagate_event(sevent);
+  return CONTINUE_E;
 Painter::UpdateThresholdTool(event_handle_t &event)
   const double lower = get_vars()->get_double("Painter::thresholdtool_lower");
@@ -1340,7 +1381,6 @@
   // Mask the new data.
   const size_t dsize = VolumeOps::nrrd_elem_count(dnrrd);
-  const size_t msize = VolumeOps::nrrd_elem_count(mnrrd);
   ASSERT(dsize == msize);
   ASSERT(dnrrd->nrrd_->type == LabelNrrdType);
   ASSERT(mnrrd->nrrd_->type == LabelNrrdType);
Index: src/Applications/Seg3D/data/Seg3D.xrc
--- src/Applications/Seg3D/data/Seg3D.xrc	(revision 44506)
+++ src/Applications/Seg3D/data/Seg3D.xrc	(working copy)
@@ -3734,6 +3734,129 @@
+    <object class="wxPanel" name="ID_SPLINETOOL" subclass="SplineToolPanel">
+        <title>SplineTool</title>
+        <font>
+            <size>10</size>
+            <family>swiss</family>
+            <face>Arial</face>
+        </font>
+        <object class="wxGridSizer">
+            <cols>1</cols>
+            <rows>1</rows>
+            <vgap>0</vgap>
+            <hgap>0</hgap>
+            <object class="sizeritem">
+                <flag>wxGROW|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT</flag>
+                <border>5</border>
+                <object class="wxGridSizer">
+                    <cols>1</cols>
+                    <rows>1</rows>
+                    <vgap>0</vgap>
+                    <hgap>0</hgap>
+                    <object class="sizeritem">
+                        <flag>wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL</flag>
+                        <border>5</border>
+                        <object class="wxButton" name="CLEAR_SEEDS_BUTTON">
+                            <font>
+                                <size>8</size>
+                                <family>swiss</family>
+                                <face>Arial</face>
+                            </font>
+                            <label>Clear Seeds</label>
+                        </object>
+                    </object>
+                </object>
+            </object>
+            <object class="sizeritem">
+                <flag>wxGROW|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT</flag>
+                <border>5</border>
+                <object class="wxGridSizer">
+                    <cols>2</cols>
+                    <rows>1</rows>
+                    <vgap>0</vgap>
+                    <hgap>0</hgap>
+                    <object class="sizeritem">
+                        <flag>wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL</flag>
+                        <border>5</border>
+                        <object class="wxButton" name="START_BUTTON">
+                            <font>
+                                <size>8</size>
+                                <family>swiss</family>
+                                <face>Arial</face>
+                            </font>
+                            <label>Fill</label>
+                        </object>
+                    </object>
+                    <object class="sizeritem">
+                        <flag>wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL</flag>
+                        <border>5</border>
+                        <object class="wxButton" name="ERASE_BUTTON">
+                            <font>
+                                <size>8</size>
+                                <family>swiss</family>
+                                <face>Arial</face>
+                            </font>
+                            <label>Erase</label>
+                        </object>
+                    </object>
+                </object>
+            </object>
+            <object class="sizeritem">
+                <flag>wxGROW|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT</flag>
+                <border>5</border>
+                <object class="wxGridSizer">
+                    <cols>1</cols>
+                    <rows>1</rows>
+                    <vgap>0</vgap>
+                    <hgap>0</hgap>
+                    <object class="sizeritem">
+                        <flag>wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL</flag>
+                        <border>5</border>
+                        <object class="wxButton" name="CLOSE_BUTTON">
+                            <font>
+                                <size>8</size>
+                                <family>swiss</family>
+                                <face>Arial</face>
+                            </font>
+                            <label>Close</label>
+                        </object>
+                    </object>
+                </object>
+            </object>
+            <object class="sizeritem">
+                <border>5</border>
+                <object class="wxGridSizer">
+                    <cols>1</cols>
+                    <rows>1</rows>
+                    <vgap>0</vgap>
+                    <hgap>0</hgap>
+                    <object class="sizeritem">
+                        <flag>wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL</flag>
+                        <border>5</border>
+                        <object class="wxRadioBox" name="ORDER_RADIOBOX">
+                            <tooltip>Method to order the seeds (Clicking = in the same order as clicking, Azimuth = by their azimuth coordinate)</tooltip>
+                            <help>Method to order the seeds (Clicking = in the same order as clicking, Azimuth = by their azimuth coordinate)</help>
+                            <font>
+                                <size>8</size>
+                                <family>swiss</family>
+                                <face>Arial</face>
+                            </font>
+                            <style>wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS</style>
+                            <label>Seed order</label>
+                            <dimension>1</dimension>
+                            <selection>0</selection>
+                            <content>
+                                <item>&amp;Clicking</item>
+                                <item>&amp;Azimuth</item>
+                            </content>
+                        </object>
+                    </object>
+                </object>
+            </object>
+        </object>
+    </object>
     <object class="wxPanel" name="ID_THRESHOLDTOOLPANEL" subclass="ThresholdToolPanel">
Index: src/Applications/Seg3D/data/
--- src/Applications/Seg3D/data/	(revision 44506)
+++ src/Applications/Seg3D/data/	(working copy)
@@ -50,6 +50,8 @@
   <var name="Painter::IntensityCorrection::edge" type="double" propagate="yes">0.1</var>
   <var name="Painter::polylinetool_erase" type="bool" propagate="yes">0</var>
+  <var name="Painter::splinetool_erase" type="bool" propagate="yes">0</var>
+  <var name="Painter::splinetool_sort" type="string" propagate="yes">"Clicking"</var>
   <var name="MedianFilterVolume::radius" type="int" propagate="yes">5</var>
Index: src/Applications/Seg3D/CMakeLists.txt
--- src/Applications/Seg3D/CMakeLists.txt	(revision 44506)
+++ src/Applications/Seg3D/CMakeLists.txt	(working copy)
@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@
@@ -172,6 +173,7 @@
+  GuiCode/splinetoolpanel.cpp
Index: src/Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/splinetoolpanel.h
--- src/Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/splinetoolpanel.h	(revision 0)
+++ src/Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/splinetoolpanel.h	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+// Name:        splinetoolpanel.h
+// Purpose:     
+// Author:      Ramon Casero
+// Modified by: 
+// Created:     Wed 09 Apr 2008 16:29:38 MDT
+// RCS-ID:      
+// Copyright:   
+// Licence:     
+ * Includes
+ */
+////@begin includes
+#include "wx/xrc/xmlres.h"
+////@end includes
+ * Forward declarations
+ */
+////@begin forward declarations
+////@end forward declarations
+ * Control identifiers
+ */
+////@begin control identifiers
+#define ID_SPLINETOOL 10012
+#define SYMBOL_SPLINETOOLPANEL_SIZE wxSize(200, -1)
+////@end control identifiers
+ * SplineToolPanel class declaration
+ */
+class SplineToolPanel: public wxPanel
+    DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS( SplineToolPanel )
+    /// Constructors
+    SplineToolPanel();
+    SplineToolPanel( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = SYMBOL_SPLINETOOLPANEL_IDNAME, const wxPoint& pos = SYMBOL_SPLINETOOLPANEL_POSITION, const wxSize& size = SYMBOL_SPLINETOOLPANEL_SIZE, long style = SYMBOL_SPLINETOOLPANEL_STYLE );
+    /// Creation
+    bool Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = SYMBOL_SPLINETOOLPANEL_IDNAME, const wxPoint& pos = SYMBOL_SPLINETOOLPANEL_POSITION, const wxSize& size = SYMBOL_SPLINETOOLPANEL_SIZE, long style = SYMBOL_SPLINETOOLPANEL_STYLE );
+    /// Destructor
+    ~SplineToolPanel();
+    /// Initialises member variables
+    void Init();
+    /// Creates the controls and sizers
+    void CreateControls();
+    void OnClearSeedsButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event );
+    void OnStartButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event );
+    void OnEraseButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event );
+    void OnCloseButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event );
+    void OnOrderRadioBox( wxCommandEvent& event );
+////@begin SplineToolPanel event handler declarations
+////@end SplineToolPanel event handler declarations
+////@begin SplineToolPanel member function declarations
+    /// Retrieves bitmap resources
+    wxBitmap GetBitmapResource( const wxString& name );
+    /// Retrieves icon resources
+    wxIcon GetIconResource( const wxString& name );
+////@end SplineToolPanel member function declarations
+    /// Should we show tooltips?
+    static bool ShowToolTips();
+////@begin SplineToolPanel member variables
+    wxRadioBox* mSplineSort;
+////@end SplineToolPanel member variables
Index: src/Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/Seg3d.pjd
--- src/Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/Seg3d.pjd	(revision 44506)
+++ src/Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/Seg3d.pjd	(working copy)
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
     <string name="resource_prefix">""</string>
     <bool name="use_two_step_construction">0</bool>
     <bool name="use_enums">0</bool>
+    <bool name="generate_for_xrced">0</bool>
     <string name="current_platform">"&lt;All platforms&gt;"</string>
     <string name="target_wx_version">"2.8.4"</string>
     <string name="cpp_header_comment">"/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
@@ -106,6 +107,7 @@
     <bool name="archive_all_image_files">0</bool>
     <bool name="xrc_retain_relative_paths">1</bool>
     <bool name="xrc_generate_id_tags">0</bool>
+    <bool name="xrc_use_name_property">0</bool>
@@ -128,6 +130,7 @@
         <long name="locked">0</long>
         <string name="template-name">""</string>
         <bool name="dirty">1</bool>
+        <long name="makefile-last-written">4286447616</long>
         <string name="Compiler name">""</string>
         <string name="Build mode">"Debug"</string>
         <string name="Unicode mode">"ANSI"</string>
@@ -148,6 +151,7 @@
         <string name="Compiler location">"%AUTO%"</string>
         <string name="wxWidgets location">"%AUTO%"</string>
         <string name="C++ command">"%AUTO%"</string>
+        <string name="C command">"%AUTO%"</string>
         <string name="Resource compiler">"%AUTO%"</string>
         <string name="Make command">"%AUTO%"</string>
         <string name="Project makefile">"%AUTO%"</string>
@@ -159,6 +163,7 @@
         <string name="Optimizations">"%AUTO%"</string>
         <string name="Warnings">"%AUTO%"</string>
         <string name="Debug flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
+        <string name="Extra compile flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
         <string name="Libraries">"%AUTO%"</string>
         <string name="Library path">"%AUTO%"</string>
         <string name="Linker flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
@@ -169,6 +174,9 @@
         <string name="wxWidgets build command">"%AUTO%"</string>
         <string name="wxWidgets clean command">"%AUTO%"</string>
         <string name="PATH variable">"%AUTO%"</string>
+        <bool name="Suppress source rules">0</bool>
+        <bool name="Enable makefile generation">1</bool>
+        <string name="CFG">""</string>
           <string name="title">"VC++ Debug"</string>
           <string name="type">"vc-config-data-document"</string>
@@ -180,6 +188,7 @@
           <long name="locked">0</long>
           <string name="template-name">"VC++"</string>
           <bool name="dirty">1</bool>
+          <long name="makefile-last-written">4286447616</long>
           <string name="Compiler name">"VC++"</string>
           <string name="Build mode">"Debug"</string>
           <string name="Unicode mode">"ANSI"</string>
@@ -200,6 +209,7 @@
           <string name="Compiler location">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="wxWidgets location">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="C++ command">"%AUTO%"</string>
+          <string name="C command">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Resource compiler">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Make command">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Project makefile">"%AUTO%"</string>
@@ -211,6 +221,7 @@
           <string name="Optimizations">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Warnings">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Debug flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
+          <string name="Extra compile flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Libraries">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Library path">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Linker flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
@@ -221,7 +232,10 @@
           <string name="wxWidgets build command">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="wxWidgets clean command">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="PATH variable">"%AUTO%"</string>
+          <bool name="Suppress source rules">0</bool>
+          <bool name="Enable makefile generation">1</bool>
           <string name="CFG">""</string>
+          <string name="Ignore libraries">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="title">"VC++ Release"</string>
@@ -234,6 +248,7 @@
           <long name="locked">0</long>
           <string name="template-name">"VC++"</string>
           <bool name="dirty">1</bool>
+          <long name="makefile-last-written">4286447616</long>
           <string name="Compiler name">"VC++"</string>
           <string name="Build mode">"Release"</string>
           <string name="Unicode mode">"ANSI"</string>
@@ -254,6 +269,7 @@
           <string name="Compiler location">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="wxWidgets location">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="C++ command">"%AUTO%"</string>
+          <string name="C command">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Resource compiler">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Make command">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Project makefile">"%AUTO%"</string>
@@ -265,6 +281,7 @@
           <string name="Optimizations">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Warnings">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Debug flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
+          <string name="Extra compile flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Libraries">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Library path">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Linker flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
@@ -275,7 +292,10 @@
           <string name="wxWidgets build command">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="wxWidgets clean command">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="PATH variable">"%AUTO%"</string>
+          <bool name="Suppress source rules">0</bool>
+          <bool name="Enable makefile generation">1</bool>
           <string name="CFG">""</string>
+          <string name="Ignore libraries">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="title">"VC++ Project Debug"</string>
@@ -288,6 +308,7 @@
           <long name="locked">0</long>
           <string name="template-name">"VC++ Project"</string>
           <bool name="dirty">0</bool>
+          <long name="makefile-last-written">4286447616</long>
           <string name="Compiler name">"VC++ Project"</string>
           <string name="Build mode">"Debug"</string>
           <string name="Unicode mode">"ANSI"</string>
@@ -309,6 +330,7 @@
           <string name="Compiler location">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="wxWidgets location">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="C++ command">"%AUTO%"</string>
+          <string name="C command">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Resource compiler">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Make command">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Project makefile">"%AUTO%"</string>
@@ -320,6 +342,7 @@
           <string name="Optimizations">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Warnings">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Debug flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
+          <string name="Extra compile flags">"%AUTO%"</string>
           <string name="Libraries">"%AUTO%"</string>
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@@ -330,6 +353,9 @@
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@@ -338,7 +364,7 @@
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+                <long name="proxy-Y">-1</long>
+                <long name="proxy-Width">-1</long>
+                <long name="proxy-Height">-1</long>
+                <string name="proxy-AlignH">"Centre"</string>
+                <string name="proxy-AlignV">"Centre"</string>
+                <long name="proxy-Stretch factor">0</long>
+                <long name="proxy-Border">5</long>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxLEFT">1</bool>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxRIGHT">1</bool>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxTOP">1</bool>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxBOTTOM">1</bool>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxSHAPED">0</bool>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxADJUST_MINSIZE">0</bool>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxFIXED_MINSIZE">0</bool>
+                <string name="proxy-Custom arguments">""</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Custom ctor arguments">""</string>
+              </document>
+            </document>
+            <document>
+              <string name="title">"wxGridSizerProxy"</string>
+              <string name="type">"dialog-control-document"</string>
+              <string name="filename">""</string>
+              <string name="icon-name">"sizer"</string>
+              <long name="is-transient">0</long>
+              <long name="owns-file">1</long>
+              <long name="title-mode">0</long>
+              <long name="locked">0</long>
+              <string name="proxy-type">"wbGridSizerProxy"</string>
+              <long name="proxy-Columns">1</long>
+              <long name="proxy-Rows">1</long>
+              <long name="proxy-ColumnSpacing">0</long>
+              <long name="proxy-RowSpacing">0</long>
+              <string name="proxy-Member variable name">""</string>
+              <string name="proxy-Platform">"&lt;Any platform&gt;"</string>
+              <string name="proxy-AlignH">"Centre"</string>
+              <string name="proxy-AlignV">"Centre"</string>
+              <long name="proxy-Stretch factor">0</long>
+              <long name="proxy-Border">5</long>
+              <bool name="proxy-wxLEFT">1</bool>
+              <bool name="proxy-wxRIGHT">1</bool>
+              <bool name="proxy-wxTOP">0</bool>
+              <bool name="proxy-wxBOTTOM">0</bool>
+              <bool name="proxy-wxSHAPED">0</bool>
+              <bool name="proxy-wxADJUST_MINSIZE">0</bool>
+              <bool name="proxy-wxFIXED_MINSIZE">0</bool>
+              <document>
+                <string name="title">"wxRadioBox: ORDER_RADIOBOX"</string>
+                <string name="type">"dialog-control-document"</string>
+                <string name="filename">""</string>
+                <string name="icon-name">"radiobox"</string>
+                <long name="is-transient">0</long>
+                <long name="owns-file">1</long>
+                <long name="title-mode">0</long>
+                <long name="locked">0</long>
+                <string name="proxy-type">"wbRadioBoxProxy"</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Id name">"ORDER_RADIOBOX"</string>
+                <long name="proxy-Id value">10015</long>
+                <string name="proxy-Name">""</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Class">"wxRadioBox"</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Base class">"wxRadioBox"</string>
+                <bool name="proxy-External implementation">1</bool>
+                <bool name="proxy-Separate files">0</bool>
+                <string name="proxy-Implementation filename">""</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Header filename">""</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Member variable name">"mSplineSort"</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Label">"Seed order"</string>
+                <long name="proxy-Major dimension count">1</long>
+                <string name="proxy-Items">"&amp;Clicking|&amp;Azimuth"</string>
+                <long name="proxy-Initial value">0</long>
+                <string name="proxy-Help text">"Method to order the seeds (Clicking = in the same order as clicking, Azimuth = by their azimuth coordinate)"</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Tooltip text">"Method to order the seeds (Clicking = in the same order as clicking, Azimuth = by their azimuth coordinate)"</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Background colour">""</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Foreground colour">""</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Font">"8, wxSWISS, wxNORMAL, wxNORMAL, false, Arial"</string>
+                <bool name="proxy-Hidden">0</bool>
+                <bool name="proxy-Enabled">1</bool>
+                <string name="proxy-Platform">"&lt;Any platform&gt;"</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Data variable">""</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Data validator">""</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Data source">""</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Data class name">""</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Data class implementation filename">""</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Data class header filename">""</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Data class manager window">""</string>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS">1</bool>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS">0</bool>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxWANTS_CHARS">0</bool>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE">0</bool>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE">0</bool>
+                <string name="proxy-Custom styles">""</string>
+                <long name="proxy-X">-1</long>
+                <long name="proxy-Y">-1</long>
+                <long name="proxy-Width">-1</long>
+                <long name="proxy-Height">-1</long>
+                <string name="proxy-AlignH">"Centre"</string>
+                <string name="proxy-AlignV">"Centre"</string>
+                <long name="proxy-Stretch factor">0</long>
+                <long name="proxy-Border">5</long>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxLEFT">1</bool>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxRIGHT">1</bool>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxTOP">1</bool>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxBOTTOM">1</bool>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxSHAPED">0</bool>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxADJUST_MINSIZE">0</bool>
+                <bool name="proxy-wxFIXED_MINSIZE">0</bool>
+                <string name="proxy-Custom arguments">""</string>
+                <string name="proxy-Custom ctor arguments">""</string>
+              </document>
+            </document>
+          </document>
+        </document>
+        <document>
           <string name="title">"ThresholdToolPanel"</string>
           <string name="type">"dialog-document"</string>
           <string name="filename">""</string>
Index: src/Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/splinetoolpanel.cpp
--- src/Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/splinetoolpanel.cpp	(revision 0)
+++ src/Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/splinetoolpanel.cpp	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+// Name:        splinetoolpanel.cpp
+// Purpose:     
+// Author:      Ramon Casero
+// Modified by: 
+// Created:     Wed 09 Apr 2008 16:29:38 MDT
+// RCS-ID:      
+// Copyright:   
+// Licence:     
+// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
+#include "wx/wxprec.h"
+#include <Applications/Seg3D/Painter.h>
+#ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#pragma hdrstop
+#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
+#include "wx/wx.h"
+////@begin includes
+////@end includes
+#include "splinetoolpanel.h"
+////@begin XPM images
+////@end XPM images
+ * SplineToolPanel type definition
+ */
+IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( SplineToolPanel, wxPanel )
+ * SplineToolPanel event table definition
+ */
+BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( SplineToolPanel, wxPanel )
+////@begin SplineToolPanel event table entries
+////@end SplineToolPanel event table entries
+    EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("CLEAR_SEEDS_BUTTON"), SplineToolPanel::OnClearSeedsButtonClick )
+    EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("START_BUTTON"), SplineToolPanel::OnStartButtonClick )
+    EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("ERASE_BUTTON"), SplineToolPanel::OnEraseButtonClick )
+    EVT_BUTTON( XRCID("CLOSE_BUTTON"), SplineToolPanel::OnCloseButtonClick )
+    EVT_RADIOBOX( XRCID("ORDER_RADIOBOX"), SplineToolPanel::OnOrderRadioBox )
+ * SplineToolPanel constructors
+ */
+    Init();
+SplineToolPanel::SplineToolPanel( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style )
+    Init();
+    Create(parent, id, pos, size, style);
+ * SplineToolPanel creator
+ */
+bool SplineToolPanel::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style )
+////@begin SplineToolPanel creation
+    SetParent(parent);
+    CreateControls();
+    if (GetSizer())
+    {
+        GetSizer()->SetSizeHints(this);
+    }
+////@end SplineToolPanel creation
+    return true;
+ * SplineToolPanel destructor
+ */
+////@begin SplineToolPanel destruction
+////@end SplineToolPanel destruction
+ * Member initialisation
+ */
+void SplineToolPanel::Init()
+////@begin SplineToolPanel member initialisation
+    mSplineSort = NULL;
+////@end SplineToolPanel member initialisation
+ * Control creation for SplineToolPanel
+ */
+void SplineToolPanel::CreateControls()
+////@begin SplineToolPanel content construction
+    // Generated by DialogBlocks, Wed 14 Oct 2009 20:54:49 BST (unregistered)
+    if (!wxXmlResource::Get()->LoadPanel(this, GetParent(), _T("ID_SPLINETOOL")))
+        wxLogError(wxT("Missing wxXmlResource::Get()->Load() in OnInit()?"));
+    mSplineSort = XRCCTRL(*this, "ORDER_RADIOBOX", wxRadioBox);
+////@end SplineToolPanel content construction
+    // Create custom windows not generated automatically here.
+////@begin SplineToolPanel content initialisation
+////@end SplineToolPanel content initialisation
+ */
+void SplineToolPanel::OnClearSeedsButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
+  SCIRun::Painter::ThrowSkinnerSignal("Painter::SetLayer");
+ */
+void SplineToolPanel::OnStartButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
+  wxBeginBusyCursor();
+  SCIRun::ThrowSkinnerSignalEvent *tsse =
+    new SCIRun::ThrowSkinnerSignalEvent("Painter::FinishTool");
+  tsse->add_var("Painter::splinetool_erase", "0");
+  SCIRun::Painter::ThrowSkinnerSignal(tsse);
+  wxEndBusyCursor();
+ */
+void SplineToolPanel::OnEraseButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
+  wxBeginBusyCursor();
+  SCIRun::ThrowSkinnerSignalEvent *tsse =
+    new SCIRun::ThrowSkinnerSignalEvent("Painter::FinishTool");
+  tsse->add_var("Painter::splinetool_erase", "1");
+  SCIRun::Painter::ThrowSkinnerSignal(tsse);
+  wxEndBusyCursor();
+ */
+void SplineToolPanel::OnCloseButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
+  SCIRun::Painter::global_seg3dframe_pointer_->HideTool();
+ * wxEVT_RADIOBOX event handler for ORDER_RADIOBOX
+ */
+void SplineToolPanel::OnOrderRadioBox( wxCommandEvent& event )
+  wxBeginBusyCursor();
+  SCIRun::ThrowSkinnerSignalEvent *tsse =
+    new SCIRun::ThrowSkinnerSignalEvent("Painter::UpdateSplineTool");
+  tsse->add_var("Painter::splinetool_sort", 
+		mSplineSort->GetStringSelection().c_str());
+  SCIRun::Painter::ThrowSkinnerSignal(tsse);
+  wxEndBusyCursor();
+ * Should we show tooltips?
+ */
+bool SplineToolPanel::ShowToolTips()
+    return true;
+ * Get bitmap resources
+ */
+wxBitmap SplineToolPanel::GetBitmapResource( const wxString& name )
+    // Bitmap retrieval
+////@begin SplineToolPanel bitmap retrieval
+    wxUnusedVar(name);
+    return wxNullBitmap;
+////@end SplineToolPanel bitmap retrieval
+ * Get icon resources
+ */
+wxIcon SplineToolPanel::GetIconResource( const wxString& name )
+    // Icon retrieval
+////@begin SplineToolPanel icon retrieval
+    wxUnusedVar(name);
+    return wxNullIcon;
+////@end SplineToolPanel icon retrieval
Index: src/Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/splinetoolpanel.xrc
--- src/Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/splinetoolpanel.xrc	(revision 0)
+++ src/Applications/Seg3D/GuiCode/splinetoolpanel.xrc	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
+<resource version="" xmlns="";>
+    <object class="wxPanel" name="ID_SPLINETOOL" subclass="SplineToolPanel">
+        <title>SplineTool</title>
+        <font>
+            <size>10</size>
+            <family>swiss</family>
+            <face>Arial</face>
+        </font>
+        <object class="wxGridSizer">
+            <cols>1</cols>
+            <rows>1</rows>
+            <vgap>0</vgap>
+            <hgap>0</hgap>
+            <object class="sizeritem">
+                <flag>wxGROW|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT</flag>
+                <border>5</border>
+                <object class="wxGridSizer">
+                    <cols>1</cols>
+                    <rows>1</rows>
+                    <vgap>0</vgap>
+                    <hgap>0</hgap>
+                    <object class="sizeritem">
+                        <flag>wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL</flag>
+                        <border>5</border>
+                        <object class="wxButton" name="CLEAR_SEEDS_BUTTON">
+                            <font>
+                                <size>8</size>
+                                <family>swiss</family>
+                                <face>Arial</face>
+                            </font>
+                            <label>Clear Seeds</label>
+                        </object>
+                    </object>
+                </object>
+            </object>
+            <object class="sizeritem">
+                <flag>wxGROW|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT</flag>
+                <border>5</border>
+                <object class="wxGridSizer">
+                    <cols>2</cols>
+                    <rows>1</rows>
+                    <vgap>0</vgap>
+                    <hgap>0</hgap>
+                    <object class="sizeritem">
+                        <flag>wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL</flag>
+                        <border>5</border>
+                        <object class="wxButton" name="START_BUTTON">
+                            <font>
+                                <size>8</size>
+                                <family>swiss</family>
+                                <face>Arial</face>
+                            </font>
+                            <label>Fill</label>
+                        </object>
+                    </object>
+                    <object class="sizeritem">
+                        <flag>wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL</flag>
+                        <border>5</border>
+                        <object class="wxButton" name="ERASE_BUTTON">
+                            <font>
+                                <size>8</size>
+                                <family>swiss</family>
+                                <face>Arial</face>
+                            </font>
+                            <label>Erase</label>
+                        </object>
+                    </object>
+                </object>
+            </object>
+            <object class="sizeritem">
+                <flag>wxGROW|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT</flag>
+                <border>5</border>
+                <object class="wxGridSizer">
+                    <cols>1</cols>
+                    <rows>1</rows>
+                    <vgap>0</vgap>
+                    <hgap>0</hgap>
+                    <object class="sizeritem">
+                        <flag>wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL</flag>
+                        <border>5</border>
+                        <object class="wxButton" name="CLOSE_BUTTON">
+                            <font>
+                                <size>8</size>
+                                <family>swiss</family>
+                                <face>Arial</face>
+                            </font>
+                            <label>Close</label>
+                        </object>
+                    </object>
+                </object>
+            </object>
+            <object class="sizeritem">
+                <border>5</border>
+                <object class="wxGridSizer">
+                    <cols>1</cols>
+                    <rows>1</rows>
+                    <vgap>0</vgap>
+                    <hgap>0</hgap>
+                    <object class="sizeritem">
+                        <flag>wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL</flag>
+                        <border>5</border>
+                        <object class="wxRadioBox" name="ORDER_RADIOBOX">
+                            <tooltip>Method to order the seeds (Clicking = in the same order as clicking, Azimuth = by their azimuth coordinate)</tooltip>
+                            <help>Method to order the seeds (Clicking = in the same order as clicking, Azimuth = by their azimuth coordinate)</help>
+                            <font>
+                                <size>8</size>
+                                <family>swiss</family>
+                                <face>Arial</face>
+                            </font>
+                            <style>wxRA_SPECIFY_ROWS</style>
+                            <label>Seed order</label>
+                            <dimension>1</dimension>
+                            <selection>0</selection>
+                            <content>
+                                <item>&amp;Clicking</item>
+                                <item>&amp;Azimuth</item>
+                            </content>
+                        </object>
+                    </object>
+                </object>
+            </object>
+        </object>
+    </object>
Index: src/Applications/Seg3D/Painter.h
--- src/Applications/Seg3D/Painter.h	(revision 44506)
+++ src/Applications/Seg3D/Painter.h	(working copy)
@@ -225,6 +225,7 @@
   CatcherFunction_t     StartCropTool;
   CatcherFunction_t     StartArithmeticTool;
   CatcherFunction_t     StartPolylineTool;
+  CatcherFunction_t     StartSplineTool;
   CatcherFunction_t     StartResampleTool;
   CatcherFunction_t     StartThresholdTool;
   CatcherFunction_t     StartWindowLevelTool;
@@ -300,11 +301,13 @@
   CatcherFunction_t     FloodFillClear;
   CatcherFunction_t     RasterPolyline;
+  CatcherFunction_t     RasterSpline;
   CatcherFunction_t     ResetCLUT;
   CatcherFunction_t     UpdateBrushRadius;
   CatcherFunction_t     UpdateThresholdTool;
   CatcherFunction_t     UpdateWindowLevelTool;
+  CatcherFunction_t     UpdateSplineTool;
   CatcherFunction_t     OpenLabelColorDialog;
   CatcherFunction_t     SetLabelColor;
@@ -434,6 +437,22 @@
+class UpdateSplineToolEvent : public BaseEvent
+  string sort_; // sort method
+  UpdateSplineToolEvent(string sort)
+    : BaseEvent(), sort_(sort) {
+  }
+  virtual BaseEvent *clone()
+  { return new UpdateSplineToolEvent(sort_); }
+  virtual ~UpdateSplineToolEvent() {}
+  string get_sort() { return sort_; }
 class UpdateThresholdToolEvent : public BaseEvent
   double lower_;
Index: src/Applications/Seg3D/Seg3DFrame.h
--- src/Applications/Seg3D/Seg3DFrame.h	(revision 44506)
+++ src/Applications/Seg3D/Seg3DFrame.h	(working copy)
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@
 class itkCannyEdgeDetectionImageFilter;
 class HistoEqFilter;
 class PolylineToolPanel;
+class SplineToolPanel;
 class ThresholdToolPanel;
 class WindowLevelToolPanel;
 class MoveScaleToolPanel;
@@ -124,6 +125,7 @@
@@ -258,6 +260,7 @@
   void ToolInvert( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) );
   void ToolResample( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) );
   void ToolPolyline( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) );
+  void ToolSpline( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) );
   void ToolThreshold( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) );
   void ToolWindowLevel( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) );
   void ToolMoveScale( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event) );
@@ -330,6 +333,7 @@
   MaskFilter* maskfilter_;
   MaskLogicalFilter* masklogicalfilter_;
   PolylineToolPanel *polylinetoolpanel_;
+  SplineToolPanel *splinetoolpanel_;
   ThresholdToolPanel *thresholdtoolpanel_;
   WindowLevelToolPanel *windowleveltoolpanel_;
   MoveScaleToolPanel *movescaletoolpanel_;

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