Hey Kris,
I was able to log in anonymously and upload the two files into the
upload folder. The file names are Session with Mask Data Issue
(tiff file).ses and Session without MD issue (img file).ses .
However, when I tried to upload the files to the ForKris folder,
it would not allow it (even if I login again anonymously) saying I
wasn't authorized to access the server. Anyways, the files should
be there in upload folder. Let me know if you need anything else.
Hi Elizabeth,
Maybe there's a problem with the directory I created. Try ftping
to ftp.utah.sci.edu with username: anonymous and then cd into upload.
If possible, try cd into ForKris as well. The server here should be
setup for anonymous ftp and has been tested recently. If this still
doesn't work, perhaps we can setup a screen sharing session.
On 6/21/10 8:39 AM, eschn1@umbc.edu wrote:
Hi Kris,
I wanna try ftping you two files (one session with an .img file that
and another session with .tiff that doesn't) to your folder but right
I do not have any login id for your ftp server so I am not authorized to
upload files. It also won't let me login anonymously. It there a way
I can gain authorization to your ftp server so I can upload the two
Hi Elizabeth,
I'm not really sure what is going on. It almost appears as
the mask you have created happens to grab values from the original
that are all the same value of 33195. Your window/level screenshot is
little perplexing to me as I am used to seeing a histogram plot at the
top of the window/level tool panel and didn't see that in your
screenshot. At this point there are a few things you can try, but
are guesses on my part:
1. Try downloading the latest Seg3D 1.13 (I made a bad attempt at
releasing 1.13 on April 16, that resided on the web for a few days
being resolved on April 22) and see if that helps at all.
2. Try saving as some other file format from ImageJ or see what
are given when saving from ImageJ, maybe this is doing something
unexpected to your data.
3. Take the same set of requested screenshots and get the unmasked,
segmentation and masked data volume information when working with a
file that is successful, maybe we can see a difference between a data
set that works for you and one that doesn't. Preferably, you could do
this for the same data set using both the .img and the .tiff files.
On 6/16/10 2:53 PM, eschn1@umbc.edu wrote:
The info for the mask data volume is:
This is a data volume.
Origin: 0 0 0
Spacing: 1 1 1
Size: 148 120 120
Space: Unknown
Volume: 2.1312e+006
Min/Max: 0 33195
I tried to ftp the session to you but the computer I work at won't
it, so I included the screen shot you asked for. Also, I adjusted the
window/level was to get it to show some of the different gray values.
Another thing to add about the scan I was working with: The CT scan
originally a .img file but I needed to reorient it in ImageJ and then
saved it as a series of .tiff files( .img wasn't a save option). Seg3D
only doing this to files that I first altered in ImageJ and saved as a
series of .tiff files.
Thanks again for your help.
Hi Elizabeth,
One other thing I forgot to ask for, can you also send the info
the masked data volume? As far as I can tell from what you've sent
far everything looks like it should be working. My current guess is
that there are a very few discrete values in the masked data so that
Seg3D applies a color map coloring these few discrete values the same
and having the data appear to be binary. Would you mind saving your
Seg3D session and ftp'ing to ftp.sci.utah.edu ? From there, please
the session file in upload/ForKris . If this is not possible, please
select your masked data volume, open Tools->Window/Level Tool, and
a screenshot of the full Seg3D window. I'm hoping the histogram
displayed by Window/Level Tool may give us some clues. You may also
adjusting the window/level yourself to see whether the masked data
really is binary or is just being displayed that way.
On 6/16/10 11:38 AM, eschn1@umbc.edu wrote:
Hi Kris,
Thanks for your response. I use the exact same process that you use
Mask Data Filter so I don't have any different or additional steps
The info for my label volume says:
This is a label volume.
Origin: 0 0 0
Spacing: 1 1 1
Size: 148 120 120
Space: Unknown
Volume: 2.1312e+006
Label Count: 45284
Label Volume: 45284
Label Volume Percentage: 2.12481
The info for my data volume says:
This is a data volume.
Origin: 0 0 0
Spacing: 1 1 1
Size: 148 120 120
Space: Unknown
Volume: 2.1312e+006
Min/Max: 30451 37939
I have also included some screen shots. Let me know if you need
information and thanks again for the help.
Elizabeth Schneider
I will need some more information to help troubleshoot this
Would you please click on the "i" button on the right-hand Volumes
for both the label volume and data volume you are using and email
contents of the Volume Information that is displayed? I am
interested in the type of volume (it should say either "This is a
volume." or "This is a label volume.") and the Min/Max values.
Here is the process I use for Mask Data Filter:
1. Create segmentation of data (will be stored in a label volume)
2. Open Mask Data Filter
3. Select the label volume containing the segmented data
4. Either click the Set Mask Label button from the Mask Data panel
to the Edit menu -> Set Mask Label
5. Select the data volume containing the data to be masked
At this point, you should have the label volume highlighted in a
salmon/pinkish color and the data volume highlighted in a purple
6. Click the Start button on the Mask Data panel
Does this match what you are doing? If not, please also email the
steps you perform related to using the Mask Data Filter.
It also may be helpful if you can email four screenshots: one
the segmented data, one showing the data that you want to mask, one
showing the entire Seg3D window just before you click the Start
on the Mask Data panel, and one showing the result of the mask
On 6/14/10 9:27 AM, eschn1@umbc.edu wrote:
I am having a problem with the Mask Data Filter. I am currently
version 1.13.0 and am still new to the program. My task is to
hearts from CT scans and create a gray scale mask of the pig
have been
using the Mask Data filter to create my final mask of the heart
weirdest thing keeps happening. The tutorial I have says that Mask
supposed to create a gray scale mask but it will alternate between
giving me a
gray scale mask and a binary mask. I don't know what cause it to
and forth. Right now all it's producing is binary masks when I use
Does anyone know how to get Mask Data to only create a gray scale
(and no
binary masks) ?
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